Contains a lot of debugging tools for production. Based on golang:alpine.
- Build/code:
build-base git bash bash-completion ncurses vim tmux jq
- Network:
bind-tools iputils tcpdump curl nmap tcpflow iftop net-tools mtr netcat-openbsd bridge-utils iperf ngrep openldap-clients dnstrace
- Certificates:
ca-certificates openssl
- Processes/IO:
htop atop strace iotop dstat sysstat ltrace ncdu logrotate hdparm pciutils psmisc tree pv
Because of docker retention policy, a github workflow is running on 1st of each month to build and publish a new docker image.
Use make targets for building, pushing and testing
make build
make test
make clean
For pushing the docker image to DockerHub you can use the CI git actions workflow or
make push
use dnstrace
which has auto-complete and for available options see
dnstrace -n 10 -c 10 --server --recurse
docker run --rm -ti --net container:<container-id> aaneci/debug
Just double press <ctrl>+b
to use the inner tmux