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improve with statement replacements
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novaugust committed Jan 21, 2025
1 parent efb2cb9 commit 9983bf2
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Showing 5 changed files with 131 additions and 107 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ they can and will change without that change being reflected in Styler's semanti

### Improvements

- `with do: body` and variations with no arrows in the head will be rewritten to just `body`
- `# styler:sort` will sort arbitrary ast nodes within a `do end` block:

Expand All @@ -30,8 +31,6 @@ they can and will change without that change being reflected in Styler's semanti
another_macro :y

### Fixes

- fix a bug in comment-movement when multiple `# styler:sort` directives are added to a file at the same time
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210 changes: 115 additions & 95 deletions lib/style/blocks.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,103 +75,32 @@ defmodule Styler.Style.Blocks do
{:cont, Zipper.replace(zipper, {:if, m, children}), ctx}

# Credo.Check.Refactor.WithClauses
def run({{:with, with_meta, children}, _} = zipper, ctx) when is_list(children) do
# a std lib `with` block will have at least one left arrow and a `do` body. anything else we skip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
arrow_or_match? = &(left_arrow?(&1) || match?({:=, _, _}, &1))

if Enum.any?(children, arrow_or_match?) and Enum.any?(children, &Style.do_block?/1) do
{preroll, children} =
# `_ <- rhs` => `rhs`
{:<-, _, [{:_, _, _}, rhs]} -> rhs
# `lhs <- rhs` => `lhs = rhs`
{:<-, m, [{atom, _, nil} = lhs, rhs]} when is_atom(atom) -> {:=, m, [lhs, rhs]}
child -> child
|> Enum.split_while(&(not left_arrow?(&1)))

# after rewriting `x <- y()` to `x = y()` there are no more arrows.
# this never should've been a with statement at all! we can just replace it with assignments
if Enum.empty?(children) do
{:cont, replace_with_statement(zipper, preroll), ctx}
[[{{_, do_meta, _} = do_block, do_body} | elses] | reversed_clauses] = Enum.reverse(children)
{postroll, reversed_clauses} = Enum.split_while(reversed_clauses, &(not left_arrow?(&1)))
[{:<-, final_clause_meta, [lhs, rhs]} = _final_clause | rest] = reversed_clauses

# drop singleton identity else clauses like `else foo -> foo end`
elses =
case elses do
[{{_, _, [:else]}, [{:->, _, [[left], right]}]}] -> if nodes_equivalent?(left, right), do: [], else: elses
_ -> elses

{reversed_clauses, do_body} =
cond do
# Put the postroll into the body
Enum.any?(postroll) ->
{node, do_body_meta, do_children} = do_body
do_children = if node == :__block__, do: do_children, else: [do_body]
do_body = {:__block__, Keyword.take(do_body_meta, [:line]), Enum.reverse(postroll, do_children)}
{reversed_clauses, do_body}

# Credo.Check.Refactor.RedundantWithClauseResult
Enum.empty?(elses) and nodes_equivalent?(lhs, do_body) ->
{rest, rhs}

# no change
true ->
{reversed_clauses, do_body}

do_line = do_meta[:line]
final_clause_line = final_clause_meta[:line]

do_line =
cond do
do_meta[:format] == :keyword && final_clause_line + 1 >= do_line -> do_line
do_meta[:format] == :keyword -> final_clause_line + 1
true -> final_clause_line

do_block = Macro.update_meta(do_block, &Keyword.put(&1, :line, do_line))
# disable keyword `, do:` since there will be multiple statements in the body
with_meta =
if Enum.any?(postroll),
do: Keyword.merge(with_meta, do: [line: with_meta[:line]], end: [line: Style.max_line(children) + 1]),
else: with_meta

with_children = Enum.reverse(reversed_clauses, [[{do_block, do_body} | elses]])
zipper = Zipper.replace(zipper, {:with, with_meta, with_children})
def run({{:with, _, [[{{:__block__, _, [:do]}, body} | _]]}, _} = zipper, ctx) do
{:cont, Zipper.replace(zipper, body), ctx}

cond do
# oops! RedundantWithClauseResult removed the final arrow in this. no more need for a with statement!
Enum.empty?(reversed_clauses) ->
{:cont, replace_with_statement(zipper, preroll ++ with_children), ctx}

# recurse if the # of `<-` have changed (this `with` could now be eligible for a `case` rewrite)
Enum.any?(preroll) ->
# put the preroll before the with statement in either a block we create or the existing parent block
|> Style.find_nearest_block()
|> Zipper.prepend_siblings(preroll)
|> run(ctx)

# the # of `<-` canged, so we should have another look at this with statement
Enum.any?(postroll) ->
run(zipper, ctx)
# Credo.Check.Refactor.WithClauses
def run({{:with, _, children}, _} = zipper, ctx) when is_list(children) do
do_block? = Enum.any?(children, &Style.do_block?/1)
arrow_or_match? = Enum.any?(children, &(left_arrow?(&1) || match?({:=, _, _}, &1)))

cond do
# we can style this!
do_block? and arrow_or_match? ->
style_with_statement(zipper, ctx)

# `with (head_statements) do: x (else ...)`
do_block? ->
# head statements can be the empty list, if it matters
{head_statements, [[{{:__block__, _, [:do]}, body} | _]]} = Enum.split_while(children, &(not Style.do_block?(&1)))
[first | rest] = head_statements ++ [body]
# replace this `with` statement with its headers + body
zipper = zipper |> Zipper.replace(first) |> Zipper.insert_siblings(rest)
{:cont, zipper, ctx}

true ->
# of clauess didn't change, so don't reecurse or we'll loop FOREEEVEERR
{:cont, zipper, ctx}
# maybe this isn't a with statement - could be a function named `with`
# or it's just a with statement with no arrows, but that's too saddening to imagine
{:cont, zipper, ctx}
# maybe this isn't a with statement - could be a function named `with` or something.
true ->
{:cont, zipper, ctx}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +146,97 @@ defmodule Styler.Style.Blocks do

def run(zipper, ctx), do: {:cont, zipper, ctx}

# with statements can do _a lot_, so this beast of a function likewise does a lot.
defp style_with_statement({{:with, with_meta, children}, _} = zipper, ctx) do
{preroll, children} =
# `_ <- rhs` => `rhs`
{:<-, _, [{:_, _, _}, rhs]} -> rhs
# `lhs <- rhs` => `lhs = rhs`
{:<-, m, [{atom, _, nil} = lhs, rhs]} when is_atom(atom) -> {:=, m, [lhs, rhs]}
child -> child
|> Enum.split_while(&(not left_arrow?(&1)))

# after rewriting `x <- y()` to `x = y()` there are no more arrows.
# this never should've been a with statement at all! we can just replace it with assignments
if Enum.empty?(children) do
{:cont, replace_with_statement(zipper, preroll), ctx}
[[{{_, do_meta, _} = do_block, do_body} | elses] | reversed_clauses] = Enum.reverse(children)
{postroll, reversed_clauses} = Enum.split_while(reversed_clauses, &(not left_arrow?(&1)))
[{:<-, final_clause_meta, [lhs, rhs]} = _final_clause | rest] = reversed_clauses

# drop singleton identity else clauses like `else foo -> foo end`
elses =
case elses do
[{{_, _, [:else]}, [{:->, _, [[left], right]}]}] -> if nodes_equivalent?(left, right), do: [], else: elses
_ -> elses

{reversed_clauses, do_body} =
cond do
# Put the postroll into the body
Enum.any?(postroll) ->
{node, do_body_meta, do_children} = do_body
do_children = if node == :__block__, do: do_children, else: [do_body]
do_body = {:__block__, Keyword.take(do_body_meta, [:line]), Enum.reverse(postroll, do_children)}
{reversed_clauses, do_body}

# Credo.Check.Refactor.RedundantWithClauseResult
Enum.empty?(elses) and nodes_equivalent?(lhs, do_body) ->
{rest, rhs}

# no change
true ->
{reversed_clauses, do_body}

do_line = do_meta[:line]
final_clause_line = final_clause_meta[:line]

do_line =
cond do
do_meta[:format] == :keyword && final_clause_line + 1 >= do_line -> do_line
do_meta[:format] == :keyword -> final_clause_line + 1
true -> final_clause_line

do_block = Macro.update_meta(do_block, &Keyword.put(&1, :line, do_line))
# disable keyword `, do:` since there will be multiple statements in the body
with_meta =
if Enum.any?(postroll),
do: Keyword.merge(with_meta, do: [line: with_meta[:line]], end: [line: Style.max_line(children) + 1]),
else: with_meta

with_children = Enum.reverse(reversed_clauses, [[{do_block, do_body} | elses]])
zipper = Zipper.replace(zipper, {:with, with_meta, with_children})

cond do
# oops! RedundantWithClauseResult removed the final arrow in this. no more need for a with statement!
Enum.empty?(reversed_clauses) ->
{:cont, replace_with_statement(zipper, preroll ++ with_children), ctx}

# recurse if the # of `<-` have changed (this `with` could now be eligible for a `case` rewrite)
Enum.any?(preroll) ->
# put the preroll before the with statement in either a block we create or the existing parent block
|> Style.find_nearest_block()
|> Zipper.prepend_siblings(preroll)
|> run(ctx)

# the # of `<-` canged, so we should have another look at this with statement
Enum.any?(postroll) ->
run(zipper, ctx)

true ->
# of clauess didn't change, so don't reecurse or we'll loop FOREEEVEERR
{:cont, zipper, ctx}

# `with a <- b(), c <- d(), do: :ok, else: (_ -> :error)`
# =>
# `a = b(); c = d(); :ok`
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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lib/zipper.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -172,18 +172,18 @@ defmodule Styler.Zipper do
top level.
@spec insert_left(zipper, tree) :: zipper
def insert_left({_, nil}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: "Can't insert siblings at the top level.")
def insert_left({tree, meta}, child), do: {tree, %{meta | l: [child | meta.l]}}
def insert_left(zipper, child), do: prepend_siblings(zipper, [child])

@doc """
Inserts many siblings to the left.
If the node is at the top of the tree, builds a new root `:__block__` while maintaining focus on the current node.
Equivalent to
Enum.reduce(siblings, zipper, &Zipper.insert_left(&2, &1))
@spec prepend_siblings(zipper, [tree]) :: zipper
def prepend_siblings({_, nil}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: "Can't insert siblings at the top level.")
def prepend_siblings({node, nil}, siblings), do: {:__block__, [], siblings ++ [node]} |> zip() |> down() |> rightmost()
def prepend_siblings({tree, meta}, siblings), do: {tree, %{meta | l: Enum.reverse(siblings, meta.l)}}

@doc """
Expand All @@ -192,18 +192,18 @@ defmodule Styler.Zipper do
top level.
@spec insert_right(zipper, tree) :: zipper
def insert_right({_, nil}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: "Can't insert siblings at the top level.")
def insert_right({tree, meta}, child), do: {tree, %{meta | r: [child | meta.r]}}
def insert_right(zipper, child), do: insert_siblings(zipper, [child])

@doc """
Inserts many siblings to the right.
If the node is at the top of the tree, builds a new root `:__block__` while maintaining focus on the current node.
Equivalent to
Enum.reduce(siblings, zipper, &Zipper.insert_right(&2, &1))
@spec insert_siblings(zipper, [tree]) :: zipper
def insert_siblings({_, nil}, _), do: raise(ArgumentError, message: "Can't insert siblings at the top level.")
def insert_siblings({node, nil}, siblings), do: {:__block__, [], [node | siblings]} |> zip() |> down()
def insert_siblings({tree, meta}, siblings), do: {tree, %{meta | r: siblings ++ meta.r}}

@doc """
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion test/style/blocks_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -384,6 +384,11 @@ defmodule Styler.Style.BlocksTest do

assert_style "with do: x", "x"
assert_style "with do x end", "x"
assert_style "with do x else foo -> bar end", "x"
assert_style "with foo() do bar() else _ -> baz() end", "foo()\nbar()"

test "doesn't false positive with vars" do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,7 +435,7 @@ defmodule Styler.Style.BlocksTest do

for nontrivial_head <- ["foo", ":ok <- foo, :ok <- bar"] do
for nontrivial_head <- [":ok <- foo, :ok <- bar"] do
with #{nontrivial_head} do
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/zipper_test.exs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -470,9 +470,9 @@ defmodule StylerTest.ZipperTest do
|> Zipper.root() == [1, :left, 2, :right, 3]

test "raise when attempting to insert a sibling at the root" do
assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> 42 |> |> Zipper.insert_left(:nope) end
assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> 42 |> |> Zipper.insert_right(:nope) end
test "builds a new root node made of a block" do
assert {42, %{l: [:nope], ptree: {{:__block__, _, _}, nil}}} = 42 |> |> Zipper.insert_left(:nope)
assert {42, %{r: [:nope], ptree: {{:__block__, _, _}, nil}}} = 42 |> |> Zipper.insert_right(:nope)

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