An extension that hides components that can be triggered by a button.
Visit the Triggered wiki for more information about its functionality and for explanations of key properties.
If Triggered has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
adapt install adapt-contrib-triggered
Alternatively, this component can also be installed by adding the following line of code to the adapt.json file:
"adapt-contrib-triggered": "*"
Then running the command:adapt install
(This second method will reinstall all plug-ins listed in adapt.json.) -
If Triggered has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.
The attributes listed below are used in components.json to configure Triggered, and are properly formatted as JSON in example.json. The absence of the _triggered object in a component model is interpreted as having Triggered disabled ("_isEnabled": false
The same _triggered object may be added to the course (course.json). At this level, "_isEnabled"
can be used to disable Triggered on components that have "_isEnabled": true
Note: Setting the _triggered object in course.json does not provide defaults for components. It cannot be used to enable Triggered on components that have
"_isEnabled": false
or that do not have the _triggered object in their model json.
Visit the Triggered wiki for more information about how they appear in the authoring tool.
_triggered (object): The Triggered object that contains values for _isEnabled, _top, _left, showButtonText, and hideButtonText.
_isEnabled (boolean): Enables/disables the Triggered extension.
showButton (object): This object contains values for _top, _right, _bottom, _left and buttonText.
_top (string): Top position of Triggered show button.
_right (string): Right position of Triggered show button.
_bottom (string): Bottom position of Triggered show button.
_left (string): Left position of Triggered show button.
buttonText (string): Show button text.
hideButton (object): This object contains values for _top, _right, _bottom, _left and buttonText.
_top (string): Top position of Triggered hide button.
_right (string): Right position of Triggered hide button.
_bottom (string): Bottom position of Triggered hide button.
_left (string): Left position of Triggered hide button.
buttonText (string): Hide button text.
No known limitations.
This component has been tested to the standard Adapt browser specification.