npm install
npm run build
npm start
Render "Hello from React" to the div in index.html with an id of "app".
Create folder called Components within the client folder. Inside of components folder, create a file called App.jsx and build out a functional react component in that file that renders "Hello from Component" onto the DOM.
Pass your first and last name down as props to your component from index.jsx
Refactor your functional component into a stateful class component.
Inside of your class component, create an input field. Build out some functionality that will allow you to set your first name to the state object.
Repeat the process to your last name.
Inside your components folder, create another file called List.jsx. Build out another stateful component. Add an string and an array object in state. Create another input field. Build out functionality that will allow you to add text to the string element in state. Build out functionality that will allow you to add the string stored in state to the array stored in state. Then add three elements to the array.
Create another functional component called ListEntry.jsx in your components folder. Develop some functionality that will render the elements stored in the array in List.jsx to the page.
Add functionality such that when an element in that list is clicked, we are notified in the List.jsx component.
Go back to App.jsx and develop some functionality that will only display List.jsx if the first and last name entered there match your own.
Refactor the code you have made into a Todo List app. This app should have all CRUD functionality. ie. Should be able to create todos, should be able to see todos, should be able to update todos, should be able to delete todos.