This repository allows a user to:
- create a sample Hyperledger network using hyperledgernetwork project.
- run a two-node end to end test against the network.
The test is intended to show issues occurring after long wait periods between commits on a multi-orderer (kafka-based) hyperledger.
- CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
- Docker version 18.09.3, build 774a1f4
- Hyperledger prerequisites
- Latest Hyperledger image tags
- Pull the hyperledgernetwork project to the desired install location. Set all .sh files and everything in /bin to executable.
- Ensure no Hyperledger containers or networks are currently running on the machine - docker network prune / docker volume prune.
- Run the file. Usually I manually run line by line to ensure each docker service has time to initialise and start (once it is shown as running in docker ps, continue)
- Pull the hyperledgermessaging project into your IDE.
- Ensure project is set to run on at least JDK 1.8.0_111
- Run the Junit Test
- Ensure that the logs show two clients successfully connecting to the Hyperledger network & chaincode event listener
- Ensure that the message throughput works by checking the logs - we should see activity on both nodes as they receive messages. (Optional) Run the MsgInjector to inject a message and show the round trip between the nodes.
- Wait for 16 minutes
- After this time, the junit test should fail to send a message to the 2nd node with a timeout exception.