This repository contains the code for the quantum circuit implementation for the glued trees algorithm. You can view the algorithm along with an explanation of how it works in the Jupyter notebook attached. This README file is meant to introduce the problem and my implentation to people who already have experience with quantum computing. If you would like a more fundamental introduction, check out the Glued Trees website,
I began working on this project as part of QRISE 2024 for Classiq. I was selected as a winner of QRISE and the research exchange has since ended, but I continued to work on the algorithm and my implementation has become a part of the Classiq library and documentation. If you would like to learn more about me, feel free to access my website at You can also send me an email at [email protected].
Consider a network of two mirrored binary trees connected to each other, where the outermost nodes of each tree are connected to two random nodes in the other tree. This structure will have
If you try to play this game yourself, or program an algorithm to do so, you'll quickly run into a major problem: since you don't know what specific nodes on the tree the interior keys correspond to, you will get lost within the structure once you reach the area between the two trees. There is no way to guarantee a solution to this problem—using a classical computer—that doesn't require you to check every node in the worst case.
There is a way to solve this problem efficiently however, on the order of the total number of columns of the structure instead of the nodes. You just need to use a quantum computer! This paper published in December 2023 describes a quantum approach to solving this algorithm by considering the columns of the structure as a system of coupled harmonic oscillators attached by springs. A quantum computer can use Hamiltonian simulation to simulate this classical system efficiently. If you apply a push to the oscillator representing the entrance node, and treat the interactions between nodes as queries, you can "reach" the exit node (trigger a spike in its oscillatory movement) in time
I will now describe the technical aspects of this approach in further detail. To model the columns of the glued trees structure as a system of coupled harmonic oscillators, we consider a matrix
As an example, using a simple linear ordering of this adjacency matrix such that the entrance node is first and the exit node is last, this matrix will be defined as the following:
As shown in further detail in the paper, we can define a block Hamiltonian
I worked with Classiq to create a quantum circuit implementation of the glued trees problem using their Python software development kit. One of the biggest advantages of using Classiq for this task is that their functions can be applied to an arbitrary number of qubits—in other words, you can create a Python function that takes in the size of the glued trees system as a parameter without needing to fundamentally change the code to model systems of different sizes.
To achieve this task, I simply used the exponentiation_with_depth_constraint
function in Classiq, which takes in the matrix adjacency_matrix
function to generate an adjacency matrix using that ordering. We can then decompose matrix_to_hamiltonian
The major challenge of this approach is efficiently creating and compressing the Pauli list into a state where it both accurately represents the original Hamiltonian and can be converted into a circuit with a reasonable circuit depth given the limits of today's quantum hardware (currently in the low thousands) for large qubit values.
The size of the Pauli list entered into the exponentiation function is the biggest factor in the resulting circuit depth. After some experimentation, I found that Pauli lists of roughly size 200 result in a circuit depth in the 1200s, around the range of the limit for current state of the art quantum hardware. To compress Pauli lists of any qubit size, I created two algorithms: one to crop full Pauli lists for qubit sizes where the Pauli list can be generated in reasonable time, and one to approximate Pauli lists for larger qubit sizes from cropped Pauli lists of smaller qubit sizes. The Pauli lists for 1-13 qubits are generated with the first algorithm, while higher qubit sizes are generated with the second algorithm. 13 qubits is the highest qubit size with a Pauli list that can be authentically generated in a reasonable time, as Pauli decomposition is an incredibly time expensive operation, to the order of
The first algorithm can be found in the generate_pauli_list
function contained in the glued_trees.ipynb
notebook. It uses an ad hoc approach that tries to represent the Pauli list as a whole as accurately as possible using only the 200 ostensibly most relevant terms to simulating the system. The algorithm first selects 120 terms (60%) by going through each character position from the end to the start and picking the Pauli terms with the largest coefficients that contain each of the four possibilities (
The second algorithm is used for approximating Pauli lists too large to generate. It simply takes the current largest Pauli list generatable in reasonable time and pads it with its second character until the desired qubit size is reached. This approximation method is generally effective since most significant Pauli strings for the matrix contain a long substring of the same character beginning with the second character. Adding that same character and keeping the coefficient generally follows the trend present when comparing generated Pauli strings for different qubit sizes to each other.
Once we have assembled our block Hamiltonian exponentiation_with_depth_constraint
function. The resulting quantum state can be written as follows:
Since the speed of the entrance node oscillator
The following graphs show the proportion of shots on the Classiq Aer simulator for the quantum state
The two graphs shown above can be found in the figures
folder, and the JSON files of the execution jobs from Classiq can be found in the results