This project is a simple ERC721 (ethereum) NFT minting contract & user interface.
It's a little play around the fork of
It uses IPFS Protocol to create unique CIDs that point to the NFT data, it then stores this information on Filecoin for reliable & persistent storage.
It takes advantage of the very handy IPFS & Filecoin dev ecosystem tool NFT.Storage to make doing this easy (& free!).
The DApp UI is deployed on Fleek makes it easy to deploy websites and apps on the new open web: permissionless, trustless, censorship resistant, and free of centralized gatekeepers.
You can see the project live here:
Dev Things (contracts):
- Solidity
- Hardhat
- Alchemy
Ways to save your NFT SVG
- You can save it in the contrct itself
- You can save it as an IPFS CID
- You can use web2... (we wouldn't do that though would we!)
Run contract: npx hardhat
run scripts/run.js
Deploy contract to rinkeby: npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
Running the front end localy (host on Fleek) npm install && npm start
To make this project from scratch:
Dependencies: Node installed. Metamask, Moralis Quick server details (or infure/achemy), etherscan account (for verifying contract)
Tasks - setup:
npx create-react-app my-app-name cd my-app-name npm install --save-dev hardhat npx hardhat (to get a sample project - choose basic project so we get all the folders. Choose no to gitignore and y to dependencies)
install dependencies:
npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan @openzeppelin/contracts npm install ethers dotenv
Tasks - development of contract
touch .env add .env to the .gitignore file rm ./contracts/Greeter.sol rm ./scripts/sample-script.js
touch ./contracts/FilecoinNFTHack.sol touch ./scripts/run.js touch ./scripts/deploy.js
Write solidity contract Write run.js and test your contract
npx hardhat run scripts/run.js
Tasks - Deployment of Solidity contract Sign up for Moralis and get a QuickNode Add it to hardhat config Sign up for etherscan / get an API key & add it to hardhat.config networks: { rinkeby: { url: process.env.MORALIS_RINKEBY_API_URL, accounts: [process.env.METAMASK_RINKEBY_PRIVATE_KEY], }, }, etherscan: { // Your API key for Etherscan // Obtain one at apiKey: process.env.ETHERSCAN_API_KEY, }
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
Tasks - development of front end
- Build the front end
- create a utils folder and put the deployed contract ABI json here
Tasks - deployment of front end
- Use
- Read the IPFS best practice guide for NFT's
- See the NFT.School guide
- Public Gateway status checker:
- Faucets for rinkeby eth: