The GitHub Actions Go ToolKit provides a set of packages to make creating actions easier.
This toolkit is a pure go port of the official @actions/toolkit
Get started with the go-action-template!
Provides functions for inputs, outputs, results, logging, secrets and variables. Read more here
$ go get
Provides functions for downloading and caching tools. e.g. setup-* actions. Read more here
$ go get
Provides an authenticated GitHub client hydrated with the context that the current action is being run in. Read more here
$ go get
Outlines the differences and why you would want to create a JavaScript or a container based action.
Actions are downloaded and run from the GitHub graph of repos. This contains guidance for versioning actions and safe releases.
Problem Matchers are a way to scan the output of actions for a specified regex pattern and surface that information prominently in the UI.
Illustrates how to create a simple hello world javascript action.
import ""
func main() {
whoToGreet := core.GetInput("who-to-greet")
fmt.Println("Hello", whoToGreet)
Illustrates how to create a simple hello world javascript action.
const nameToGreet = core.getInput('who-to-greet');
console.log(`Hello ${nameToGreet}!`);
Walkthrough and template for creating a JavaScript Action with tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning.
async function run() {
try {
const ms = core.getInput('milliseconds');
console.log(`Waiting ${ms} milliseconds ...`)
PASS ./index.test.js
✓ throws invalid number
✓ wait 500 ms
✓ test runs
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 3 passed, 3 total
Walkthrough creating a TypeScript Action with compilation, tests, linting, workflow, publishing, and versioning.
import * as core from '@actions/core';
async function run() {
try {
const ms = core.getInput('milliseconds');
console.log(`Waiting ${ms} milliseconds ...`)
PASS ./index.test.js
✓ throws invalid number
✓ wait 500 ms
✓ test runs
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 3 passed, 3 total
Create an action that is delivered as a container and run with docker.
FROM alpine:3.10
Create an action that is delivered as a container which uses the toolkit. This example uses the GitHub context to construct an Octokit client.
FROM node:slim
COPY . .
RUN npm install --production
ENTRYPOINT ["node", "/lib/main.js"]
const myInput = core.getInput('myInput');
core.debug(`Hello ${myInput} from inside a container`);
const context = github.context;
console.log(`We can even get context data, like the repo: ${context.repo.repo}`)