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BLT Sync does not permit drush prompt #1852

gmahoney88 opened this issue Jul 28, 2017 · 2 comments

BLT Sync does not permit drush prompt #1852

gmahoney88 opened this issue Jul 28, 2017 · 2 comments
Bug Something isn't working


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gmahoney88 commented Jul 28, 2017

My system information:

  • Operating system type: [osx]
  • Operating system version: [10.12.5]
  • BLT version: [8.9]

Output of blt doctor:

Drupal VM was detected. Running blt doctor inside of VM...
Executing command cd /var/www/secret_project/docroot/.. && /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../vendor/bin/drush cc drush && /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../vendor/bin/drush --include=/var/www/secret_project/docroot/../vendor/acquia/blt/drush blt-doctor -r /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../docroot inside of Drupal VM...
'drush' cache was cleared.                                             [success]
Changed current directory to /home/vagrant/.composer
| Property             | Value                                                                          |
| %paths               |                                                                                |
|  - %root             | /var/www/secret_project/docroot                                                         |
|  - %site             | sites/default                                                                  |
|  - %modules          | modules                                                                        |
|  - %themes           | themes                                                                         |
|  - %config-sync      | ../config/default                                                              |
|  - %files            | sites/default/files                                                            |
|  - %temp             | /tmp                                                                           |
| admin-theme          | seven                                                                          |
| blt-version          | 8.9.0                                                                          |
| bootstrap            | Successful                                                                     |
| config-sync          | ../config/default                                                              |
| db-driver            | mysql                                                                          |
| db-hostname          | localhost                                                                      |
| db-name              | drupal                                                                         |
| db-password          | drupal                                                                         |
| db-port              | 3306                                                                           |
| db-status            | Connected                                                                      |
| db-username          | drupal                                                                         |
| drupal-settings-file | sites/default/settings.php                                                     |
| drupal-version       | 8.3.5                                                                          |
| drush-alias-files    | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../drush/site-aliases/aliases.drushrc.php               |
|                      | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../drush/site-aliases/example.acsf.aliases.drushrc.php  |
|                      | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../drush/site-aliases/example.local.aliases.drushrc.php |
|                      | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../drush/site-aliases/mtav2.aliases.drushrc.php         |
| drush-conf           | /var/www/secret_project/drush/drushrc.php                                               |
| drush-script         | /var/www/secret_project/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php                                    |
| drush-temp           | /tmp                                                                           |
| drush-version        | 8.1.12                                                                         |
| files                | sites/default/files                                                            |
| install-profile      | lightning                                                                      |
| local-drushrc        | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/sites/default/local.drushrc.php                         |
| local-settings       | /var/www/secret_project/docroot/sites/default/settings/local.settings.php               |
| modules              | modules                                                                        |
| php-bin              | /usr/bin/php                                                                   |
| php-conf             | /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini                                                       |
| php-os               | Linux                                                                          |
| root                 | /var/www/secret_project/docroot                                                         |
| site                 | sites/default                                                                  |
| temp                 | /tmp                                                                           |
| theme                | secret_project2                                                                         |
| themes               | themes                                                                         |
| uri                  |                                                         |
| user                 |                                                                                |
| Check                     | Outcome                                                                          |
| checkDocrootExists        | Found docroot.                                                                   |
| checkCoreExists           | Drupal core exists                                                               |
| checkSettingsFile         | BLT settings are included in settings file.                                      |
| checkLocalSettingsFile    | Found your local settings file.                                                  |
| checkLocalDrushFile       | Found your local drush settings file.                                            |
| checkUri                  | $options['uri'] is set.                                                          |
| checkUriResponse          | Received a response from site                            |
| checkFileSystem:%files    | Public files directory is writable.                                              |
| checkFileSystem:%private  | Private files directory is not set.                                              |
| checkFileSystem:%temp     | Temporary files directory is writable.                                           |
| checkDbConnection         | Connected to database.                                                           |
| checkDrupalBootstrapped   | Bootstrapped Drupal via drush.                                                   |
| checkDrupalInstalled      | Drupal is installed.                                                             |
| checkCaching:page         | Drupal cache is disabled.                                                        |
| checkCaching:css          | CSS preprocessing is disabled.                                                   |
| checkCaching:js           | JS preprocessing is disabled.                                                    |
| checkCiConfig             | Git remotes are set in project.yml.                                              |
| checkComposer:require     | acquia/blt is in composer.json's require object.                                 |
| checkComposer:plugins     | hirak/prestissimo plugin for composer is installed.                              |
| checkBehat:exists         | Behat local settings file exists.                                                |
| checkBehat:root           | You have DrupalVM initialized, but drupal_root in tests/behat/local.yml does not |
|                           | reference the DrupalVM docroot.                                                  |
|                           |   Behat drupal_root is /Users/glen/sites/secret_project/docroot.                          |
|                           |   To resolve, run blt setup:behat.                                               |
| checkProjectYml:keys      | project.yml has no deprecated keys.                                              |
| checkAcsfConfig           | BLT settings are not included in your pre-settings-php include.                  |
|                           |   Add a require statement for "/../vendor/acquia/blt/settings/blt.settings.php"  |
|                           | to /var/www/secret_project/docroot/../factory-hooks/pre-settings-php/includes.php         |
| checkDrupalVm:alias       | drush.aliases.local exists your drush aliases file.                              |
| checkDrupalVm:remote-host | remote-host for @secret_project.local drush alias does not match vagrant_hostname for     |
|                           | DrupalVM.                                                                        |
|                           |   remote-host is set to  for @secret_project.local                                        |
|                           |   vagrant_hostname is set to for DrupalVM.                       |
|                           |    !=                                                            |
| checkPhpDateTimezone      | PHP setting for date.timezone is correctly set                                   |

When I run this command:

blt sync:refresh:all

I get the following output:

[Acquia\Blt\Robo\Tasks\DrushTask] Running /var/www/secret_project/vendor/bin/drush cache-clear drush --uri=default && /var/www/secret_project/vendor/bin/drush sql-drop --uri=default && /var/www/secret_project/vendor/bin/drush sql-sync @mtav2.test @secret_project.local --structure-tables-key=lightweight --create-db --sanitize --uri=default && /var/www/secret_project/vendor/bin/drush cache-clear drush --uri=default in /var/www/secret_project/docroot
'drush' cache was cleared. [success]
Do you really want to drop all tables in the database drupal? (y/n): Cancelled. [cancel]
[Acquia\Blt\Robo\Tasks\DrushTask] Exit code 75 Time 4.249s
[error] Command sync:db exited with code 75.
[error] Command sync exited with code 1.

And I expected this to happen:
I expected it to complete and end at a command prompt with a finished VM.
@grasmash grasmash added the Bug Something isn't working label Jul 31, 2017
grasmash added a commit to grasmash/bolt that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2017
@grasmash grasmash self-assigned this Jul 31, 2017
@grasmash grasmash reopened this Jul 31, 2017
@grasmash grasmash changed the title blt sync issue exit code 75 BLT Sync does not permit drush prompt Jul 31, 2017
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grasmash commented Aug 1, 2017

I am not able to reproduce this issue, but I understand that multiple people have encountered it. I have tried PHP 5.6 and PHP 7, and I'm running the same version of OS X as you are.

Are you able to reproduce this issue on BLT 8.x? Also, what shell are you using?

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danepowell commented Aug 1, 2017

I just encountered this after upgrading to 8.9.0. Ubuntu / bash. It also occurs on 8.x-dev.

Reading #1862, it seems like the goal is for this to be interactive but it's not for some reason.

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