[1.5] Early February 2019
[1.5] Early February 2019
Added option to update or uninstall the software via the Installer. To uninstall, just re-run the Installer.
Added feature to display upcoming events from the current month and next month on the bottom section.
Added support for 12 hour/ 24 hours (sunrise- and sunset-timings can now be adjusted via the settings file)
Added support for imperial units (wind speed can now be shown as mph as well)
Added option to choose metric/imperial units
Added option to save the generated image in the 'Calendar' folder to help debugging.
Changed a lot of icon sizes, positions and locations.
Changed the file format for nearly all icons. Icons should now be in JPEG format.
Chnaged the way icons are displayed. The software now uses the correct coordinates of icons
Icons are no longer rotated
Changes a few values in 'epd7in5b' to improve the readability of icons on the display
Changed the 'current day' and 'event' icon with slightly better ones
Changed the folder structure in the 'Calendar' folder for better navigation and overview
Removed the Installer without debug
Removed the file by merging the calibrations for the 3-Colour and 2-Colour display.
Removed a few font files as only 1 is required.
Removed the file as the conversion is no longer required
You can’t perform that action at this time.