The official page for the Revilo (ruh-VEE-low) Task Scheduler Project!
Revilo Task Scheduler takes in a graph file (.dot or .gxl) and outputs a DOT file with an optimal schedule.
java -jar scheduler.jar [INPUT.DOT] [NUM-OF-PROCESSORS] [OPTIONAL ARGS]
The first two (2) arguments (input file and processor count) are required. The output file will be created in the same directory. Optional arguments are as followed:
Enables GUI visualization with live statistics and schedule updating.-o [FILENAME]
Specifies the output file's name.-p [THREADS]
Specifies the number of threads Revilo should be run on.
By default, Revilo will be run sequentially with no visualization.
ParallelTask and incompatible JavaFX versions will output a few lines to console, but do not affect the functionality of Revilo.
On Canvas, the submitted file is called scheduler-1.jar
as the basic milestone submission was called schedular.jar
Meeting minutes, plans, research, and other administrivia can be found in the Revilo Wiki.
Issue tracking is mainly done through the Issues tab.
Shared Google Drive folder for resources: Revilo Project Folder
For developers, please only merge branches if they pass the unit tests on the build server!
Name | UPI | Uni ID | GitHub |
Abby Shen | ashe848 | 269481021 | ashe848 |
Aimee Tagle | atag549 | 8194348 | abtagle |
Mohan Cao | mcao024 | 820512142 | mohan-cao |
Michael Kemp | mkem114 | 6273632 | mkem114 |
Terran Kroft | tkro003 | 6869815 | itemic |
Clone the project anywhere
git clone [email protected]:mohan-cao/revilo.git
Using IntelliJ IDEA:
- Import project as Maven project
- Wait for IntelliJ to fetch the required resources
- Yay!
Using Eclipse (Start from Eclipse instead of importing clone!):
- Right click the left-hand side package explorer (where you have projects and stuff)
- Go to Import... > Git > Clone from repository
- If ssh not set up: clone with HTTPS
- Set up as new project using Project Wizard
- Name it "revilo"
- Right click project > Configure > Convert into Maven project
- Done!
mvn clean
- Cleans project (start from scratch)
mvn clean test
- Run unit test (from scratch)
mvn test
- Run unit tests
mvn build
- Builds your project. Good enough for most cases
mvn package
- Package classes into a jar. JAR is executable.
mvn install
- Do all the above and install the package
- IntelliJ Preferences/Editor/File and Code Templates -> Add a new template named PTJava Class with extension ptjava. Paste in
#if (${PACKAGE_NAME} && ${PACKAGE_NAME} != "")package ${PACKAGE_NAME};#end
public class ${NAME} {
- IntelliJ Preferences/Editor/File Types -> Select "Java Source"
- Add an association to *.ptjava (so that code autocompletion still works)
- When you run
mvn build
,mvn process-sources
or any compile lifecycle, then .ptjava files are automatically preprocessed into equivalent .java files
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> \
-DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>
Self explanatory installation of local jar to local Maven repo. Hard to remember so I put it here.