Adds a bunch of cheat commands to single-player games.
/mc <name> run a multicommand
/killall [friendly/hostile] kill all NPCs
/kill <type/name> kill an NPC
/spawn <type/name> [x] [y] [amount] spawn an NPC
/buff <type/name> [time] add a buff
/removebuff <type/name> remove a buff
/coins <platinum> <gold> <silver> <copper> give yourself money
/give <type/name> [amount] give yourself an item
/god toggle god mode
/ammo toggle infinite ammo
/respawn respawn your character
/pos get your current coordinates
/tp teleport to a coordinate or player
/sethome add a home location
/delhome remove a home location
/clearhomes remove homes from the world or all worlds
/home teleport to a named home location
/homes list available homes in the world
/freeze toggle freezing time
/setspawn set world spawn to your location
/settle settle liquids
/time change world time
- jopojelly for code modified for the
command - tModLoader's ExampleMod for code modified for the