This is the official repository of the paper
Abhijay Ghildyal, Nabajeet Barman, and Saman Zadtootaghaj.
In ICASSP, 2025. Please checkout the paper on [Arxiv]
For full-reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) using deep-learning approaches, the perceptual similarity score between a distorted image and a reference image is typically computed as a distance measure between features extracted from a pretrained CNN or more recently, a Transformer network. Often, these intermediate features require further fine-tuning or processing with additional neural network layers to align the final similarity scores with human judgments. So far, most IQA models based on foundation models have primarily relied on the final layer or the embedding for the quality score estimation. In contrast, this work explores the potential of utilizing the intermediate features of these foundation models, which have largely been unexplored so far in the design of low-level perceptual similarity metrics. We demonstrate that the intermediate features are comparatively more effective. Moreover, without requiring any training, these metrics can outperform both traditional and state-of-the-art learned metrics by utilizing distance measures between the features.
conda install --yes -c pytorch pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0
pip install git+
pip install requirements.txt
python -dat <dataset(pipal)> -m <method_name(clip_vitb32,dinov1,embed_clip_vitb32,embed_dinov1)> -d <distance(l2,cos,wsd,jsd,skld)> -s <saveas>
for robustness tests:
python -dat <dataset(pipal)> -m <method_name(clip_vitb32,dinov1,embed_clip_vitb32,embed_dinov1)> -d <distance(l2,cos,wsd,jsd,skld)> -s <saveas> -rob <tra,sca,rot> -pct <pctPixels>
Feel free to experiment with different backbones clip_vitb32, dinov1, embed_clip_vitb32, and embed_dinov1. For a complete list of backbones and methods, please refer to the code available in
Feel free to experiment with different distances, such as L2 (l2), cosine (cos), Wasserstein distance, Jensen-shannon distance (jsd), and Symmetric KL-divergence (skld).
python -m dinov1 -d l2 -ref <path_to_pipal_dataset>/ref/A0001.bmp -dis <path_to_pipal_dataset>/dis/A0001_00_00.bmp
If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite the following paper.
title={Foundation Models Boost Low-Level Perceptual Similarity Metrics},
author={Abhijay Ghildyal and Nabajeet Barman and Saman Zadtootaghaj},
booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing},
This repository borrows from Deep-network-based-distribution-measures-for-full-reference-image-quality-assessment . We thank the authors of these repositories for their incredible work and inspiration.