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Syntax for Google Calendar

abeyang edited this page Aug 29, 2012 · 2 revisions

Displaying an event

Assuming that the framework is hooked into your blog/website, you'll need to know some special syntax in order to get your events to show up.

The following are to be entered into the title of the event in Google Calendar.

Private (or hidden) event. Nothing special -- just write the title as you normally would.

Event Title

Public event. Add a bang (!) to the front of the title.

! Event Title

Special (or important) event. Add two bangs (!!).

!! Event Title

Adding location

Enter this into the location field inside gCal:

Location only

Willard Middle School

Location & address

Willard Middle School @ 2425 Stuart Street, Berkeley 94705

How and what this translates into is dependent on how you've designed in on your blog/website.

Tagging Events

In the event title, you can add a tag by prepending some text, followed by a colon (:).

tagname: Event title

Public and special events would still have their bangs in front:

! tagname: Public Event

Adding a link

In the description text area, if you surround a link with square brackets ([]), then the system understands that as a link. For instance:

This is inside the description area. []

Again, how that gets propagated depends on your front-end code.