🛰️ Install any binary app from a script URL.
this cli app is an alternative to the curl, wget and fetch in unix, and iwr in windows.
- Shell
curl -fsSL https://bit.ly/instal-cli | bash
- PowerShell
iwr -useb https://bit.ly/instal-win | iex
then restart your powershell
brew install abdfnx/tap/instal
gh extension install abdfnx/gh-instal
docker run -it instalcli/instal
- Open Instal UI
- Install binary app from script URL and run it
instal <SCRIPT_URL>
--help Help for instal
-H, --hidden hide the output
-s, --shell string shell to use (Default: bash | powershell)
instal https://get.docker.com
instal https://https://getmic.ro --shell sh
instal is licensed under the terms of MIT license.