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sam pipeline init command (aws#2831)
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* sam pipeline init command

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* display a message that we have successfully created the pipeline configuration file(s).

* doc typo
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elbayaaa authored and aahung committed May 26, 2021
1 parent 89ef6d4 commit 3e0c94d
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Showing 13 changed files with 750 additions and 9 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions samcli/commands/
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Expand Up @@ -59,3 +59,16 @@ class ContainersInitializationException(UserException):
Exception class when SAM is not able to initialize any of the lambda functions containers

class PipelineTemplateCloneException(UserException):
Exception class when unable to download pipeline templates from a Git repository during `sam pipeline init`

class AppPipelineTemplateManifestException(UserException):
Exception class when SAM is not able to parse the "manifest.yaml" file located in the SAM pipeline templates
Git repo: "
Empty file.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions samcli/commands/pipeline/init/
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CLI command for "pipeline init" command
from typing import Any, Optional

import click

from samcli.cli.cli_config_file import configuration_option, TomlProvider
from samcli.cli.main import pass_context, common_options as cli_framework_options
from samcli.commands.pipeline.init.interactive_init_flow import do_interactive
from samcli.lib.telemetry.metric import track_command

SHORT_HELP = "Generates CI/CD pipeline configuration files."
Generates CI/CD pipeline configuration files for a chosen CI/CD provider such as Jenkins,
GitLab CI/CD or GitHub Actions

@click.command("init", help=HELP_TEXT, short_help=SHORT_HELP)
@track_command # pylint: disable=R0914
def cli(
ctx: Any,
config_env: Optional[str],
config_file: Optional[str],
) -> None:
`sam pipeline init` command entry point

# Currently we support interactive mode only, i.e. the user doesn't provide the required arguments during the call
# so we call do_cli without any arguments. This will change after supporting the non interactive mode.

def do_cli() -> None:
implementation of `sam pipeline init` command
# TODO non-interactive mode
250 changes: 250 additions & 0 deletions samcli/commands/pipeline/init/
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Interactive flow that prompts that users for pipeline template (cookiecutter template) and used it to generate
pipeline configuration file
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List

import click

from samcli.cli.main import global_cfg
from samcli.commands.exceptions import PipelineTemplateCloneException
from samcli.lib.cookiecutter.interactive_flow import InteractiveFlow
from samcli.lib.cookiecutter.interactive_flow_creator import InteractiveFlowCreator
from samcli.lib.cookiecutter.question import Choice
from samcli.lib.cookiecutter.template import Template
from samcli.lib.utils import osutils
from samcli.lib.utils.git_repo import GitRepo, CloneRepoException
from .pipeline_templates_manifest import Provider, PipelineTemplateMetadata, PipelineTemplatesManifest

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
shared_path: Path = global_cfg.config_dir
APP_PIPELINE_TEMPLATES_REPO_LOCAL_NAME = "aws-sam-cli-app-pipeline-templates"
SAM_PIPELINE_TEMPLATE_SOURCE = "AWS Quick Start Pipeline Templates"
CUSTOM_PIPELINE_TEMPLATE_SOURCE = "Custom Pipeline Template Location"

def do_interactive() -> None:
An interactive flow that prompts the user for pipeline template (cookiecutter template) location, downloads it,
runs its specific questionnaire then generates the pipeline config file based on the template and user's responses
pipeline_template_source_question = Choice(
text="Which pipeline template source would you like to use?",
source = pipeline_template_source_question.ask()
click.echo("Successfully created the pipeline configuration file(s)")

def _generate_from_app_pipeline_templates() -> None:
Prompts the user to choose a pipeline template from SAM predefined set of pipeline templates hosted in the git
repository: aws/aws-sam-cli-pipeline-init-templates.git
downloads locally, then generates the pipeline config file from the selected pipeline template.
pipeline_templates_local_dir: Path = _clone_app_pipeline_templates()
pipeline_templates_manifest: PipelineTemplatesManifest = _read_app_pipeline_templates_manifest(
# The manifest contains multiple pipeline-templates so select one
selected_pipeline_template_metadata: PipelineTemplateMetadata = _prompt_pipeline_template(
selected_pipeline_template_dir: Path = pipeline_templates_local_dir.joinpath(

def _generate_from_custom_location() -> None:
Prompts the user for a custom pipeline template location, downloads locally, then generates the pipeline config file
pipeline_template_git_location: str = click.prompt("Template Git location")
if os.path.exists(pipeline_template_git_location):
with osutils.mkdir_temp(ignore_errors=True) as tempdir:
tempdir_path = Path(tempdir)
pipeline_template_local_dir: Path = _clone_pipeline_templates(
pipeline_template_git_location, tempdir_path, CUSTOM_PIPELINE_TEMPLATE_REPO_LOCAL_NAME

def _generate_from_pipeline_template(pipeline_template_dir: Path) -> None:
Generates a pipeline config file from a given pipeline template local location
pipeline_template: Template = _initialize_pipeline_template(pipeline_template_dir)
context: Dict = pipeline_template.run_interactive_flows()

def _clone_app_pipeline_templates() -> Path:
clone aws/aws-sam-cli-pipeline-init-templates.git Git repo to the local machine in SAM shared directory.
the local directory path where the repo is cloned.
return _clone_pipeline_templates(
except PipelineTemplateCloneException:
# If can't clone app pipeline templates, try using an old clone from a previous run if already exist
expected_previous_clone_local_path: Path = shared_path.joinpath(APP_PIPELINE_TEMPLATES_REPO_LOCAL_NAME)
if expected_previous_clone_local_path.exists():
click.echo("Unable to download updated app pipeline templates, using existing ones")
return expected_previous_clone_local_path

def _clone_pipeline_templates(repo_url: str, clone_dir: Path, clone_name: str) -> Path:
clone a given pipeline templates' Git repo to the user machine inside the given clone_dir directory
under the given clone name. For example, if clone_name is "custom-pipeline-template" then the location to clone
to is "/clone/dir/path/custom-pipeline-template/"
repo_url: the URL of the Git repo to clone
clone_dir: the local parent directory to clone to
clone_name: The folder name to give to the created clone inside clone_dir
Path to the local clone
repo: GitRepo = GitRepo(repo_url)
clone_path: Path = repo.clone(clone_dir, clone_name, replace_existing=True)
return clone_path
except (OSError, CloneRepoException) as ex:
raise PipelineTemplateCloneException(str(ex)) from ex

def _read_app_pipeline_templates_manifest(pipeline_templates_dir: Path) -> PipelineTemplatesManifest:
parse and return the manifest yaml file located in the root directory of the SAM pipeline templates folder:
pipeline_templates_dir: local directory of SAM pipeline templates
AppPipelineTemplateManifestException if the manifest is not found, ill-formatted or missing required keys
The manifest of the pipeline templates
manifest_path: Path = pipeline_templates_dir.joinpath("manifest.yaml")
return PipelineTemplatesManifest(manifest_path)

def _prompt_pipeline_template(pipeline_templates_manifest: PipelineTemplatesManifest) -> PipelineTemplateMetadata:
Prompts the user a list of the available CI/CD providers along with associated app pipeline templates to choose
one of them
pipeline_templates_manifest: A manifest file lists the available providers and the associated pipeline templates
The manifest (A section in the pipeline_templates_manifest) of the chosen pipeline template;
provider = _prompt_cicd_provider(pipeline_templates_manifest.providers)
provider_pipeline_templates: List[PipelineTemplateMetadata] = [
t for t in pipeline_templates_manifest.templates if t.provider ==
selected_template_manifest: PipelineTemplateMetadata = _prompt_provider_pipeline_template(
return selected_template_manifest

def _prompt_cicd_provider(available_providers: List[Provider]) -> Provider:
Prompts the user a list of the available CI/CD providers to choose from
available_providers: List of available CI/CD providers such as Jenkins, Gitlab and CircleCI
The chosen provider
question_to_choose_provider = Choice(
text="CI/CD provider",
options=[p.display_name for p in available_providers],
chosen_provider_display_name = question_to_choose_provider.ask()
return next(p for p in available_providers if p.display_name == chosen_provider_display_name)

def _prompt_provider_pipeline_template(
provider_available_pipeline_templates_metadata: List[PipelineTemplateMetadata],
) -> PipelineTemplateMetadata:
Prompts the user a list of the available pipeline templates to choose from
provider_available_pipeline_templates_metadata: List of available pipeline templates manifests
The chosen pipeline template manifest
question_to_choose_pipeline_template = Choice(
text="Which pipeline template would you like to use?",
options=[t.display_name for t in provider_available_pipeline_templates_metadata],
chosen_pipeline_template_display_name = question_to_choose_pipeline_template.ask()
return next(
for t in provider_available_pipeline_templates_metadata
if t.display_name == chosen_pipeline_template_display_name

def _initialize_pipeline_template(pipeline_template_dir: Path) -> Template:
Initialize a pipeline template from a given pipeline template (cookiecutter template) location
pipeline_template_dir: The local location of the pipeline cookiecutter template
The initialized pipeline's cookiecutter template
interactive_flow = _get_pipeline_template_interactive_flow(pipeline_template_dir)
return Template(location=str(pipeline_template_dir), interactive_flows=[interactive_flow])

def _get_pipeline_template_interactive_flow(pipeline_template_dir: Path) -> InteractiveFlow:
A pipeline template defines its own interactive flow (questionnaire) in a JSON file named questions.json located
in the root directory of the template. This questionnaire defines a set of questions to prompt to the user and
use the responses as the cookiecutter context
pipeline_template_dir: The local location of the pipeline cookiecutter template
QuestionsNotFoundException: if the pipeline template is missing questions.json file.
QuestionsFailedParsingException: if questions.json file is ill-formatted or missing required keys.
The interactive flow
flow_definition_path: Path = pipeline_template_dir.joinpath("questions.json")
return InteractiveFlowCreator.create_flow(str(flow_definition_path))
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Represents a manifest that lists the available SAM pipeline templates.
- displayName:Jenkins
id: jenkins
- displayName:Gitlab CI/CD
id: gitlab
- displayName:Github Actions
id: github-actions
- displayName: jenkins-two-stages-pipeline
provider: Jenkins
location: templates/cookiecutter-jenkins-two-stages-pipeline
- displayName: gitlab-two-stages-pipeline
provider: Gitlab
location: templates/cookiecutter-gitlab-two-stages-pipeline
- displayName: Github-Actions-two-stages-pipeline
provider: Github Actions
location: templates/cookiecutter-github-actions-two-stages-pipeline
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List

import yaml

from samcli.commands.exceptions import AppPipelineTemplateManifestException
from samcli.yamlhelper import parse_yaml_file

class Provider:
""" CI/CD provider such as Jenkins, Gitlab and GitHub-Actions"""

def __init__(self, manifest: Dict) -> None: str = manifest["id"]
self.display_name: str = manifest["displayName"]

class PipelineTemplateMetadata:
""" The metadata of a Given pipeline template"""

def __init__(self, manifest: Dict) -> None:
self.display_name: str = manifest["displayName"]
self.provider: str = manifest["provider"]
self.location: str = manifest["location"]

class PipelineTemplatesManifest:
""" The metadata of the available CI/CD providers and the pipeline templates"""

def __init__(self, manifest_path: Path) -> None:
manifest: Dict = parse_yaml_file(file_path=str(manifest_path))
self.providers: List[Provider] = list(map(Provider, manifest["providers"]))
self.templates: List[PipelineTemplateMetadata] = list(map(PipelineTemplateMetadata, manifest["templates"]))
except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError, TypeError, yaml.YAMLError) as ex:
raise AppPipelineTemplateManifestException(
"SAM pipeline templates manifest file is not found or ill-formatted. This could happen if the file "
f"{manifest_path} got deleted or modified."
"If you believe this is not the case, please file an issue at"
) from ex
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion samcli/commands/pipeline/
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Command group for "pipeline" suite for commands. It provides common CLI arguments, template parsing capabilities,
Command group for "pipeline" suite commands. It provides common CLI arguments, template parsing capabilities,
setting up stdin/stdout etc

import click

from .bootstrap.cli import cli as bootstrap_cli
from .init.cli import cli as init_cli
Expand All @@ -17,3 +18,4 @@ def cli() -> None:

# Add individual commands under this group

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