TEAM 1 - 5322 - Spring 2016 - Mav Appoint WAR file name : MavAppoint5322_S16_Team1
Run the mavappoint.sql database script in your database.
Download the war file attached with the mail.
Copy paste the war file in the /webapps
Run /bin/startup.bat or /bin/
Stop the server by running /bin/shutdown.bat or /bin/
Open the file inside the folder /webapps/MavAppoint5322_S16_Team1/WEB-INF/lib
Change the following properties according to your specifications: (MANDATORY and needs to be changed) MYSQL_USER = MYSQL_PASSWORD =
Run /bin/startup.bat or /bin/
Your url is http://localhost:8080/MavAppoint5322_S16_Team1 (If you haven't changed the war file name. If you have, then the url becomes http://:<apache_port>/<context_path>)
Sample USERS created: Admin Username : [email protected] Password : password
Advisor Username : [email protected]
Password : password
Student Username : [email protected]
Password : password