An implementation of the kiss package manager in Lua.
- alternatives
- build
- hooks
- checksum
- download
- install
- list
- remove
- search
- update
- upgrade
- version
- ext
Lua ...
- shares many goals with KISS, such as simplicity and efficiency.
- offers advantages over shell as a "proper" programming language.
- can easily be extended by code written in C (etc).
- is relatively fast.
- Lua 5.4 (but I've tried to make it work with 5.1 too for LuaJIT)
- luaposix library
- BLAKE3 C library (built with -fPIC)
Rationale: plain Lua lacks UNIX-specific bindings which we need (working with files and paths) so either I would write a set of Lua bindings to C, but it's as simple to use an existing set such as luaposix.
LDoc is used for internal documentation. For users, see kiss's documentation.