First, prepare:
- create new user "svn" with home directory "/home/svn"
- install python-svn(for RHEL-based distributions - pysvn), git, subversion
- login as user "svn" on the server
Next, install svnolite by running these commands:
* git clone git://
* cp -r $HOME/svnolite $HOME/svnolite-dir
* cd $HOME/svnolite-dir
* python $HOME/svnolite-dir/ -i [-k </path/to/admin/>]
P.S. Attention!! It's important to use Full path here! P.P.S. Afrer this step must be created: /home/svn/repositories/svn-admin; /home/svn/bin (with work copy); files: /home/svn/authz, /home/svn/svnserve.conf
svnolite usage: python $HOME/ [-i] [-u] [-k </full/path/to/admin/key>] [-h]: -i install: create repositories/svn-admin; bin; files: authz, svnserve.conf -u update (post-commit): check where exist modifications (in authz file, svnserve.conf or user's keys) and apply this changes -k rewrite .ssh/authorized_keys and add admin key, give permitions to svn-admin repository on authz file
--adding users and repos
--for adding new user: add file with user`s key with name, ex. to directory svn-admin/keys
--for adding repo and giving permisions to users: in file conf/authz add line in format [repo:/] ([repo:/path/to/some/dir]) and after this add permisions in format user1 = rw user2 = r
So we have: [repo:/path/] user1 = rw user2 = r