SenangWebs Notices (SWN) is a lightweight JavaScript library that replaces native browser dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt) with customizable, modern-looking notifications. It provides a flexible way to create stylish modal dialogs with various positioning options and visual effects.
- Replace native browser dialogs (alert, confirm, prompt) with customizable alternatives
- Multiple positioning options (center, top, bottom, corners, etc.)
- Backdrop blur effect support
- Customizable overlay colors and opacity
- Template-based customization
- Promise-based async/await support
- Focus management for accessibility
- No external dependencies
npm install senangwebs-notices
Include SenangWebs Notices directly in your HTML file using unpkg:
<script src=""></script>
- Initialize the library:
const notices = new SWN({
// Optional configuration
titleText: 'Custom Title',
buttonText: 'OK',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
position: 'center',
bgColor: '#000000',
bgOpacity: 0.5,
bgBlur: 3,
zIndex: 9999
// Replace native dialogs (optional)
- Use directly or through native dialog functions:
// Using native functions (after install())
alert('Hello World!');
const confirmed = await confirm('Are you sure?');
const name = await prompt('Enter your name:', 'John Doe');
// Using library methods directly
await'Hello World!');
const confirmed = await notices.showConfirm('Are you sure?');
const name = await notices.showPrompt('Enter your name:');
- Custom template example:
<template id="custom-template">
<div data-swn class="your-custom-classes">
<div data-swn-title></div>
<div data-swn-body></div>
<div data-swn-buttons>
<button data-swn-cancel></button>
<button data-swn-ok></button>
const notices = new SWN({
template: '#custom-template'
const notices = new SWN({
titleText: 'Notice', // Default title
buttonText: 'OK', // Text for OK button
cancelText: 'Cancel', // Text for Cancel button
template: '#custom-template', // Template selector
position: 'center', // Dialog position
bgColor: '#000000', // Overlay color
bgOpacity: 0.5, // Overlay opacity (0-1)
bgBlur: 0, // Background blur in pixels
zIndex: 9999, // Base z-index
inputPlaceholder: 'Enter your response...', // Prompt input placeholder
defaultValue: '' // Default value for prompt input
(default): Center of the screentop
: Top centertop left
: Top left cornertop right
: Top right cornerbottom
: Bottom centerbottom left
: Bottom left cornerbottom right
: Bottom right cornerleft
: Middle leftright
: Middle right
The library uses these data attributes for templating:
: Main notice containerdata-swn-title
: Title containerdata-swn-body
: Message body containerdata-swn-buttons
: Buttons containerdata-swn-ok
: OK buttondata-swn-cancel
: Cancel button (for confirm/prompt)data-swn-input
: Input field (for prompt)
: Display an alert dialogshowConfirm(message)
: Display a confirmation dialogshowPrompt(message)
: Display a prompt dialoginstall()
: Replace native dialog functionsuninstall()
: Restore native dialog functions
SenangWebs Notices works on all modern browsers that support:
- ES6+ features (Promise, async/await)
- CSS Flexbox
- backdrop-filter (optional, for blur effects)
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Inspired by the need for more customizable dialog alternatives
- Thanks to all contributors who have helped improve this library
If you encounter any issues or have questions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.