This is the master source code repository for Vein. It contains the compiler, standard library, virtual machine and other tools.
Vein is an open source experimental high-level strictly-typed programming language with a standalone OS, arm and quantum computing support.
OS | Version | Architectures |
Windows 10 | 1607+ | x64, ARM64 |
OSX | 10.14+ | x64 |
Linux | x64, ARM64 |
For building, you need the following tools:
- dotnet 8.0
- Win10 SDK
- vsbuild-tools-2019 with MSVC 2019, MSVC142 for ARM64
Checkout vein sources
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ./vein-lang
git fetch --prune --unshallow --tags
dotnet restore
Go to ishtar folder
cd ./runtime/ishtar.vm
Compile for Windows 10 x64
dotnet publish -r win10-x64 -c Release
Compile for Windows 10 ARM64
dotnet publish -r win-arm64 -c Release
Copy output files
mkdir output
cp -R ./runtime/ishtar.vm/bin/net6.0/win10-x64/native/ ./output
The output
folder should contain:
- ishtar.exe - main ishtar file
- ishtar.exp - export metadata for main module
- ishtar.lib - dynamic library for main module
- ishtar.pdb - debug symbols
Go to vein compiler folder
cd .\compiler
dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release
Copy the output files
mkdir output
cp -R ./bin/Release/net6.0/win-x64/publish ./output
The output
folder should contain:
- veinc.exe - main executable compiler file
For building, you need the following tools:
- dotnet 8.0
- clang
- zlib1g-dev
- libkrb5-dev
- libssl-dev
- libgc-dev
and additional for arm64 (or maybe using prebuiled docker image)
- clang-9
- binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi
- binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu
- crossbuild-essential-arm64
- gcc-multilib
- qemu
- qemu-user-static
- binfmt-support
- debootstrap
Checkout mana sources
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd ./vein-lang
git fetch --prune --unshallow --tags
dotnet restore
Go to ishtar folder
cd ./runtime/ishtar.vm
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -c Release
Compile for Linux ARM64
cd ./cross
sudo ./ arm64
cd ..
cd ./runtime/ishtar.vm
dotnet publish -r linux-arm64 -c Release -p:CppCompilerAndLinker=clang-9 -p:SysRoot=/home/.tools/rootfs/arm64
Copy output files
mkdir output
cp -R ./runtime/ishtar.vm/bin/Release/net6.0/linux-x64/native ./output
Go to vein compiler folder
cd ./compiler
dotnet publish -r linux-x64 -c Release
Copy output files
mkdir output
cp -R ./bin/Release/net6.0/linux-x64/publish ./output
The output
folder should contain:
- veinc - main executable compiler file
We welcome everyone to contribute to vein language. To do so, you need to know a couple of things about the folder structure::
/runtime: folder contains all backend vm\generator for vein
/common: shared code
/ishtar.base: base abstraction for generator\vm
/ishtar.generator: logic of IL generator for IshtarVM
/ishtar.vm: implementation of ishtar vm in C#
/compiler: folder contains source for vein compiler
/lib: folder with common libraries
/ast: mana AST library, for parsing
/projectsystem: project system models, for compiler
/lsp: language server for vein lang
/samples: Wow! its samples!
/test: folder with various tests
You can run all tests from the root directory with dotnet test
To recompile the vm and the compiler: dotnet build
To recompile the standard library: veinc ./vein.std/corlib.vproj
After your changes are done, please remember to run dotnet format
to guarantee all files are properly formatted and
then run the full suite with dotnet test
Why it based on C#?
Initially, i started developing a virtual machine in C++,
but there were a lot of difficulties with basic things (such as collections, text formatting, etc.)
And at some point i saw that microsoft began to develop a fully AOT compiler for dotnet.
That means we could write in pure C# without using runtime and std,
which allows everyone to write such hard things like an OS!
So I decided - that's it! I'm Definitely writing a virtual machine in C#!
So, now I'm developing using the C# runtime and the std, but
in version 2.0 I'm planning to completely move away from runtime dependencies.
This language really support quantum computing?
Not now, but in future I'm planning to add support for Microsoft Quantum Simulator,
next - support for Azure Qunatum or IBM quantum cloud.
And after the release of stationary quantum extension card (like PCEx128 😃),
I'll add support for them too.
Vein Lang is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0), with portions covered by various BSD-like licenses.
Check LICENSE files for more information.