- Zimbra 8.8 and above
Use the automated installer:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Zimbra-Community/bigbluebutton-zimlet/master/bbb-installer.sh -O /tmp/bbb-installer.sh
chmod +rx /tmp/bbb-installer.sh
After running the installer configure your BigBlueButton server and API secret like so:
echo "BBBSecret=your-secret-here
BBBServerUrl=http://your-domain-here/bigbluebutton/api/" >> /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/bigbluebutton/config.properties
The confirmation email and the join meeting page default to english. There is no automatic detection of language. If you want to change to a different language, you have to configure it in the file /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/bigbluebutton/config.properties
. For example to use french, add the following:
The translation will then be read from /opt/zimbra/lib/ext/bigbluebutton/french.properties
the name of the properties file must match the one configured in the langauge
property. There is no need to restart mailbox.
If you are adding a new translation make sure to use the unicode conversion tool from: http://itpro.cz/juniconv/
Modern UI Zimlet is also installed via the installer found above, but the sources can be found here for reference: