if you are interested in Itti Saliency implementation on Python3, this code would help you :-)🤗
I tried to not involve classes(which is hard to read sometime) and made a universal function by which you can get anything youwant.🥰
If you don't need to examine your midway out put, just simply set parameter 'ifshow' as False.😲
Be aware that in this implementation, Itti Saliency map cannot find the difference between red and green or yellow and blue due to Itti's original method. Some other implementation, it could be red-blue and green-yellow, which is wrong if you view it biologically.🤓
I also upload a presentation file of explaining Itti's method and describing this code output.😎
Anyway, havefun!😉
a new file change_itti_Saliency was uploaded, which could solve the problem that the model could not tell the difference betwen red and green!
python >= 3.8
opencv-python or opencv-contrib-python ==
(I would recommend the second package, if you want to use more salience-computing functions or any other functions which are not contained in the official package.)
numpy == 1.26.4
scipy == 1.12.0
and a heart full of bravery😎