This project is a fractions library. Simply put:
#include "Fraction.h"
#include "Fraction.cpp"
if you drag the two items into your folder containing your project.
In the header, and the library is implemented
The header lists all of the library's methods and functions
class Fraction
int _num;
int _den;
int gcd (int first, int second);
int lcm (int first, int second);
Fraction apply_lcm (int lcm, Fraction const & rhs, Fraction const & lhs);
std::vector <int> comparison_test (int lcm, Fraction const & rhs, Fraction const & lhs);
Fraction (int top = 0, int bottom = 1);
Fraction (int top = 0);
Fraction operator - ();
Fraction operator + (Fraction const & rhs);
Fraction operator - (Fraction & rhs);
Fraction operator * (Fraction const & rhs);
Fraction operator / (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator == (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator != (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator < (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator > (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator <= (Fraction const & rhs);
bool operator >= (Fraction const & rhs);
~ Fraction ();
float toDecimal () const;
void print ();
friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, Fraction fraction);
Used Lzz
- includes - placeholder txt file
- libs - placeholder txt file, replace with libraries
- src - source code
- test - place to stage tests
Nothing more, nothing less
The rules for copy and distributing this project licence are outlined in the licence.txt file.
This project is under an MIT licence
.exe files are not kept so you will have to build from source (src)