Image picker for Unity iOS/Android
Import unimgpicker.unitypackage
into your project.
Define Photo Library Usage Description on Unimgpicker/Editor/NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.txt
ex: Unimgpicker/Editor/NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.txt
Use the image to create your profile.
Read image, create texture and render it on the Cube(MeshRenderer).
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace Kakera
public class PickerController : MonoBehaviour
private Unimgpicker imagePicker;
private MeshRenderer imageRenderer;
void Awake()
// Unimgpicker returns the image file path.
imagePicker.Completed += (string path) =>
StartCoroutine(LoadImage(path, imageRenderer));
public void OnPressShowPicker()
// With v1.1 or greater, you can set the maximum size of the image
// to save the memory usage.
imagePicker.Show("Select Image", "unimgpicker", 1024);
private IEnumerator LoadImage(string path, MeshRenderer output)
var url = "file://" + path;
var www = new WWW(url);
yield return www;
var texture = www.texture;
if (texture == null)
Debug.LogError("Failed to load texture url:" + url);
output.material.mainTexture = texture;
The code is developed on following environments. Note that these are NOT minimum version requirements.
Platform | OS | IDE |
iOS | 13.3 | Xcode 11.6 |
Android | 10.0 (API 29) | Android Studio 4.0.1 |
# If clang-format is installed.
$ make format
# If docker is installed.
$ docker build -t unimgpicker .
$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/build -w /build unimgpicker make format
This repository contains Android project to develop Unimgpicker. You can make changes to the code and build your own jar.
$ unimgpicker_android
$ ./gradlew unityLibrary:Unimgpicker:exportJar