This repo is simply a collection of miscellaneous scripts and notebooks stored here so I am not tied to a specific computer.
I have licensed them under the MIT License as found in the LICENSE.txt file and so I hope some of these files and code snippets might be of use to someone other than me.
The folders are organised as follows:
groups my efforts and frustrations with Advent of Code./demos/
are relatively polished ...demos... about various topics in Python./minitutos/
are small tutorials that are in a very rough and ready state, they are one step above a raw sandbox.
Improvement requests are best directed to me as issues but I make no guarantees that I'll have time to fix them, so pull requests are welcome too.
Any thanks can be shared with @obsidiancode on Twitter (I'm not very active there though).
And for general discussion it's best to reach me @Rob on the Software Underground.