Yet Another World Protector (YAWP) is the admin tool to protect your minecraft server (dedicated or LAN as well as single-player!).
YAWP designed to be used on dedicated servers, but can also be used in single player worlds and worlds opened to LAN. It allows admins (and players with assigned permission) to protect their creations against various events/actions of players, mobs and the environment.
Create regions for your builds and apply region flags to protect them. Assign players or vanilla teams to regions, so they can manage their own regions.
YAWP was inspired by the forge mod WorldProtector and the WorldGuard plugin.
This mod is available for Minecraft versions 1.16.5+ for (Neo-) Forge and Fabric. Starting with Minecraft 1.20.4, YAWP will also adapt NeoForge.
For detailed version information please visit the Wiki or ask at the discord server.
Currently, YAWP uses cursemaven. To use the YAWP API, add the following snippet to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
// Note: The cursemaven site explains how to select a specific file:
// The format is "curse.maven:yawp-663276:<fileId>"
dependencies {
modImplementation "curse.maven:yawp-663276:6176022"
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:yawp-663276:6117986")
implementation "curse.maven:yawp-663276:6176016"
Please first visit the Wiki for any questions on how to use the mod. Beside other information it also contains a FAQ and Getting Started section.
For further help feel free to visit the YAWP discord server.
Please refer to :-)
Discord | Paypal | Patreon | Github | Wiki | Issues | Curseforge | Modrinth |
This mod is released under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.