This code no longer works as toonily now uses cloudfare, using cloudflare bypass (e.g. doesn't work anymore too because it hasn't been updated. Another way to bypass is use a headless browser like selenium, but for a simple check it's too memory intensive. I might revamp it sometime using selenium if no free cloudflare bypass pops up.
Get latest manhwa chapter email notifications from using ezgmail module, could possibly work on other manga/manwha sites but some of those sites uses cloudfare protection and must use cfscrape module to get past that.
Python >= 3.6
A gmail account to send notifications
An email account to receive manhwa chapter notifications from the gmail account (or just use the same gmail account to email yourself)
Follow the instructions in installing and setting up ezgmail from here:
After you are done copy the directory path where your CLIENT CONFIGURATION files (credentials.json, token.json) are located to at this line:
pip install pyperclip
or if using Anaconda
conda install -c conda-forge pyperclip
Run the script like this:
python --manhwa "MANGA/MANHWA link" --chapter "chapter number" --email "your email address that receives the notification"
python --manhwa "" --chapter 100 --email "[email protected]"
Be sure the manga/manhwa name is properly typed else the script won't work.
The script will periodically check for the latest chapter that was inputted every 300 secs (5 minutes) and if it's updated it will send an email notification with the chapter link in it.
You can change how long it must wait before checking again by changing the time.sleep argument.
If the manhwa already ended, it will raise the EndedManhwa exception that says the manhwa already ended and if the chapter you entered is less than or equal to last chapter of the ended manhwa it will popup a window message saying it will copy the chapter link (your chapter number input) and after closing the window the chapter link is copied using pyperclip else it will just popup a window showing the link of the last chapter and the chapter link will be automatically copied after closing the window.