This extension makes it easy to deploy an application to GKE, and automatically handles getting the right credentials, implementing a number of best practices and more.
To use it you can pass a minimal number of parameters and have it create a deployment for you.
image: extensions/gke:stable
repository: extensions
But there's many more parameters to control the kind of resource it creates - deployment, cronjob, job, statefulset - and many other things to tune.
These parameters apply to any of the kind
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
credentials |
Is automatically generated from the release name prefixed by gke- |
string | gke-${ESTAFETTE_RELEASE_NAME} |
action |
Controls what action is taken; can take values from Estafette release actions | deploy-simple , deploy-canary , deploy-stable , restart-simple , restart-canary , restart-stable , diff-simple , diff-canary , diff-stable , rollback-canary |
deploy-simple |
kind |
Determines the type of Kubernetes resource to get created | deployment , headless-deployment , statefulset , job , cronjob , config , config-to-file |
deployment |
dryrun |
Controls whether the changes generated by this extension will be applied | bool | false |
app |
The name used to deploy the application | string | ${ESTAFETTE_LABEL_APP} if set, ${ESTAFETTE_GIT_NAME} otherwise |
namespace |
Sets the kubernetes namespace to deploy to | string | empty, but usually set in the credential defaults |
Note: the action
should preferably not be set directly on the stage, but as actions on the stage, so you can trigger every action from estafette using the same stage:
- name: deploy-canary
- name: deploy-stable
- name: rollback-canary
hideBadge: true
- name: restart-stable
hideBadge: true
image: extensions/gke:stable
kind: deployment
For any of the kind
values except for config
and config-to-file
these set the values for the main application container with sensible defaults. Try to match your application port and endpoints as much as possible to the defaults so you have to override the bare minimum.
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
container.repository |
Path for the image repository minus the last part, for example extensions for extensions/gke image, or<project id> |
string | | |
The name of the container image, usually ${ESTAFETTE_LABEL_APP} or ${ESTAFETTE_GIT_NAME} |
string | app |
container.tag |
The container image tag, usually the build version | string | ${ESTAFETTE_BUILD_VERSION} |
container.imagePullPolicy |
The image pull policy for the main container image | IfNotPresent or Always |
IfNotPresent |
container.port |
The port the main container listens on; preferably port 5000 so you don't have to explicitly set it | int | 5000 |
container.env |
A map of environment variable keys and values, passed on to the container | map[string]interface{} | |
container.secretEnv |
Same as env but the values are stored in a secret instead and referenced with secretKeyRef automatically; no need to base64 encode |
map[string]interface{} | |
container.cpu.request |
The cpu request value; this ensures the application has at least the cpu required to operate under normal circumstances and is used for calculating the autoscaling cpu load | string | 100m |
container.cpu.limit |
The cpu limit; no need to set, it can lead to cpu throttling, but in case your application turns out to be a noisy neighbour can be set | string | |
container.memory.request |
The requested memory; setting it lower than the limit can lead to out of memory kill before hitting the limit if the node it runs on is short on memory | string | 128Mi |
container.memory.limit |
The memory limit; when a container hits this limit it's killed with an out of memory kill; set equal to request for guaranteed Quality of Service | string | 128Mi |
container.liveness.enabled |
Toggles the liveness probe on the application container, which determines whether the application is still healthy | bool | true |
container.liveness.path |
Sets the path for the liveness probe | string | /liveness |
container.liveness.port |
Sets the port for the liveness probe | int | container.port |
container.liveness.delay |
Sets the number of seconds to wait before running the liveness probe first; increase if it takes longer than 30 seconds for the application to be up and running | int | 30 |
container.liveness.timeout |
Time to wait for a response from the liveness path | int | 1 |
container.liveness.period |
Interval between liveness probes | int | 10 |
container.liveness.failureThreshold |
Number of failures before liveness probe is considered to have failed and the container is killed | int | 3 |
container.liveness.successThreshold |
Number of consecutive successes for liveness probe to be considered successful | int | 1 |
container.readiness.enabled |
Toggles the readiness probe on the application container, which determines whether the application is ready to receive requests | bool | true |
container.readiness.path |
Sets the path for the readiness probe | string | /readiness |
container.readiness.port |
Sets the port for the readiness probe | int | container.port |
container.readiness.delay |
Sets the number of seconds to wait before running the readiness probe first | int | 0 |
container.readiness.timeout |
Time to wait for a response from the readiness path | int | 1 |
container.readiness.period |
Interval between readiness probes | int | 10 |
container.readiness.failureThreshold |
Number of failures before readiness probe is considered to have failed and removed as an endpoint from the service, so it no longer receives requests | int | 3 |
container.readiness.successThreshold |
Number of consecutive successes for readiness probe to be considered successful | int | 1 |
container.metrics.scrape |
Toggles whether Prometheus metrics are exposed and need to be scraped | bool | true |
container.metrics.path |
The path to the Prometheus metrics endpoint | string | /metrics |
container.metrics.port |
The port at which the Prometheus metrics are exposed | int | container.port |
container.lifecycle.prestopsleep |
To reduce the risk of failing requests for terminating pods a prestop sleep is used; disable if the container has no sleep command because there's no os (scratch image) | bool | true for os: linux , false for os: windows |
container.lifecycle.prestopsleepseconds |
Number of seconds to sleep; 15 to 20 should be enough in the majority of cases | int | 20 |
container.containerLifecycle |
To set custom lifecycle as yaml if this set it will disable the container.lifecycle.prestopsleep, so make sure to set the sleep with this custom hook | map[string]interface{} | nil |
container.additionalports[].name |
To configure any other ports than the usual http/https ports the application can communicate through | string | |
container.additionalports[].port |
The port number for an additional port | int | |
container.additionalports[].protocol |
Can be any of the Kubernetes supported protocols | TCP or UDP |
container.additionalports[].visibility |
Can be set differently from the main visibility if it needs to be different (more restrictive for example) |
see visibility |
visibility |
Specific to kind deployment
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
replicas |
The number of pods to run | int | 1 |
visibility |
Determines how the application can be reached | private , public , public-whitelist , esp , espv2 , iap , apigee |
private |
workloadIdentity |
Enable workload identity to access Google Cloud services from applications running within GKE due to its improved security properties and manageability. | bool | false |
iapOauthClientID |
Needs a Google OAuth Client ID encoded in base64 when using visibility: iap ; has to be created in advance |
string (base64 encoded) | |
iapOauthClientSecret |
Needs a Google OAuth Client Secret encoded in base64 when using visibility: iap ; has to be created in advance |
string (base64 encoded) | |
espEndpointsProjectID |
When Google Cloud Endpoints are set up in a centralized project set it's ID with this parameter | string | |
espConfigID |
When you want to pin the version of the openapi spec uploaded as a Google Cloud Endpoint config it can be set | string | Takes the latest openapi spec uploaded by this extension |
espOpenapiYamlPath |
Path to openapi.yaml file to use for creating the endpoint config; use separate ones per environment |
string | |
espServiceTypeClusterIP |
Creates ClusterIP service instead of LoadBalancer for ESP. Doesn't destroy already existing LB (if exists), but will point DNS record to new IP | bool | false |
whitelist |
A list of [CIDRs][] to allow access to the application | []string | The default configured in the nginx-office controller |
progressDeadlineSeconds |
Sets the number of seconds for Kubernetes to wait for a deployment to lack progress before treating it as a failure | int | 600 |
os |
The operating system to deploy to | linux , windows |
linux |
chaosproof |
Determines whether it's okay to run the application on preemptibles | bool | false |
manifests.files |
To set additional template files to apply | []string | | |
To provide extra data to the additional templates beyond what's already set by the extension | map[string]interface{} | |
trustedips |
To set loadBalancerSourceRanges on the service of type LoadBalancer for `visibility: public |
esp` | []string |
labels |
To set labels that are use on all kubernetes resources | map[string]string | The labels set in the .estafette.yaml manifest |
containerNativeLoadBalancing |
To use Google Cloud container-native load balancing | bool | |
hosts |
The public hostnames associated with this application | []string | |
hostsrouteonly |
Additional hostnames listened to by the app and its ingresses, but not set in DNS records | []string | |
internalhosts |
The internal hostnames associated with this application | []string | |
internalhostsrouteonly |
Additional internal hostnames listened to by the app and its ingresses, but not set in DNS records | []string | |
apigeesuffix |
Suffix for the hostnames when using visibility: apigee |
string | apigee |
dns.useCloudflareEstafetteExtension |
Add annotations used by estafette-cloudflare-dns-extension | bool | false |
| dns.useExternalDNS
| Add annotations used by external-dns | bool | true
| basepath
| Base path in the ingresses to route to this application | string | /
| autoscale.enabled
| Enables Horizontal Pod Autoscaler | bool | true
| autoscale.min
| The minimum replicas set in the HPA | int | 3
| autoscale.max
| The maximum replicas set in the HPA | int | 100
| autoscale.cpu
| Target CPU percentage set in the HPA | int | 80
| Enabled use of estafette-k8s-hpa-scaler as a safety net | bool | false
| The Prometheus query to get the request rate to this or a downstream application in the call stack | string | sum(rate(nginx_http_requests_total{app='%v'}[5m])) by (app)
| A divider to get from request rate to number of pods; equals the desired requests per pod | string | 1
| A constant to increase or lower the function minReplicas = Ceiling ( delta + ( promquery / ratio ) )
| string | |
| Sets the fraction the min replicas is allowed to scale down compared to the last value in order to ease scaling | string | 1
| vpa.enabled
| Enables Vertical Pod Autoscaler | bool | false
| vpa.updateMode
| The update mode for VPA | "Off"
, "Initial"
, "Recreate"
, "Auto"
| "Off"
| request.ingressbackendprotocol
| The backend protocol (HTTPS or GRPCS) to be used by the Ingress | string | HTTPS
| request.timeout
| Maximum time for a response, set at the ingresses and openresty sidecar | string | 60s
| request.maxbodysize
| Maximum body size for a request, set at the ingresses and openresty sidecar | string | 128m
| request.proxybuffersize
| Buffer size for proxying, set at the ingresses and openresty sidecar | string | 4k
| request.proxybuffersnumber
| Number of buffers for proxying, set at the ingresses and openresty sidecar | int | 4
| request.clientbodybuffersize
| Buffer size for request body, set at the ingresses and openresty sidecar | string | 8k
| request.loadbalance
| Loadbalancing algorithm used by the ingress controller | ewma
, round_robin
| round_robin
| request.authsecret
| Secret name in the form of namespace/secret
used for client certificate authentication | string | |
| request.verifydepth
| The validation depth between the provided client certificate and the Certification Authority chain | int | 3
| secrets.keys
| Map of filenames and base64 encoded values stored in a secret, mounted into the application container | map[string]interface{} | |
| secrets.mountpath
| Path to where the secret is mounted | string | |
| configs.files
| Files in the repository to include in a configmap, mounted into the application container | []string | |
| Key/value map to replace any gotemplate placeholders in the config files set with configs.files
| map[string]interface{} | |
| configs.inline
| Key/value map to set config files for the configmap without using templates on disk | map[string]string | |
| configs.mountpath
| Path to where the configmap is mounted | string | |
| volumemounts[].name
| Additional volumes to mount into the application container | string | |
| volumemounts[].mountpath
| Path to where the volume is mounted | string | |
| volumemounts[].volume
| Yaml snippet for the volume spec; can be used to mount secrets, configmaps, persistentvolumeclaims, etc | map[string]interface{} | |
| certificatesecret
| If set use a pre-existing secret with TLS certificate instead of automatically creating one from the host
and internalhosts
using a secret with estafette-letsencrypt-certificate annotations | string | |
| allowhttp
| If the application needs to be available on http, besides the default https | bool | false
| enablePayloadLogging
| Mounts a host path into the container that's used for an internal Travix payload log shipper | bool | false
| useGoogleCloudCredentials
| Uses a estafette-gcp-service-account annotated secret to get a service account keyfile and mount it into the application container | bool | false
| disableServiceAccountKeyRotation
| Keeps the retrieved service account keyfile without rotating it regularly | bool | true
| legacyGoogleCloudServiceAccountKeyFile
| Base64 encoded keyfile stored in the application secret | string | |
| googleCloudCredentialsApp
| When a shared service account needs to be used set the name of the app the service account is generated for | string | app
| probeService
| Configures a prometheus probe on the service using blackbox-exporter to check for availability | bool | false
for visibility: esp
and visibility: espv2
, true
otherwise |
| topologyAwareHints
| Enables Topology Aware Hints, which provides a mechanism to help keep traffic within the zone it originated fromand reduce the extra costs generated from egress traffic | bool | true
| tolerations
| Yaml snippets to configure Kubernetes tolerations | []yaml snippet | |
| injecthttpproxysidecar
| Indicates whether the openresty sidecar should be injected | bool | true
| initcontainers
| Yaml snippets to configure Kubernetes init containers | []yaml snippet | |
| sidecar
| deprecated, use sidecars
parameter instead | | |
| sidecars[].type
| Can be used to configure a couple of sidecars known by this extension | openresty
, esp
, espv2
, cloudsqlproxy
, istio
| |
| sidecars[].image
| The full container image path for the sidecar | string | |
| sidecars[].env
| Environment variables passed into the sidecar | map[string]interface{} | |
| sidecars[].secretEnv
| Secret values passed into the sidecar as environment variables by storing them in a secret and using secretKeyRef | map[string]interface{} | |
| sidecars[].cpu.request
| The cpu request value | string | 50m
| sidecars[].cpu.limit
| The cpu limit value | string | |
| sidecars[].memory.request
| The memory request value | string | 30m
| sidecars[].memory.limit
| The memory limit value | string | 50m
| sidecars[].healthcheckpath
| Can be set for the health check through the openresty sidecar towards the main application | string | container.readiness.path
| sidecars[].dbinstanceconnectionname
| A Cloud SQL connection name to be used in the Cloud SQL proxy sidecar | string | |
| sidecars[].sqlproxyport
| The port the cloud sql proxy listens on | int | 5432
| sidecars[].sqlproxyterminationtimeoutseconds
| The cloud sql proxy termination timeout | int | 60
| customsidecars
| Yaml snippets to pass in additional sidecars | []yaml snippet | |
| strategytype
| Configures the upgrade strategy for kind: deployment
; augments the Kubernetes strategyType with AtomicUpdate
| RollingUpdate
, Recreate
, AtomicUpdate
| |
| rollingupdate.maxsurge
| Maximum percentage of pods to surge during a rolling update | string | 25%
| rollingupdate.maxunavailable
| Maximum number of unavailable pods during a rolling update | string | 0
| rollingupdate.timeout
| Timeout during a rolling update before considering it as failed | string | 5m
| defaultOpenrestySidecarImage
| Allows the default OpenResty sidecar image to be overridden via defaults in kubernetes-engine
credentials | string | estafette/openresty-sidecar@sha256:2aa9f2c8c3f506e0f6cc70871701b5ac81aa0f12e8574c7b8213e4d0379d2ddd
| defaultESPSidecarImage
| Allows the default ESP sidecar image to be overridden via defaults in kubernetes-engine
credentials | string |
| defaultESPv2SidecarImage
| Allows the default ESP v2 sidecar image to be overridden via defaults in kubernetes-engine
credentials | string |
| defaultCloudSQLProxySidecarImage
| Allows the default Cloud SQL proxy sidecar image to be overridden via defaults in kubernetes-engine
credentials | string |
| imagePullSecretUser
| When the application image is stored in a private registry not accessible for the GKE cluster set a username | string | |
| imagePullSecretPassword
| Password for the private registry | string | |
Note: for visibility: esp
a release needs access to the openapi spec, so combine with clone: true
on the release target, for example:
clone: true
image: extensions/gke:stable
visibility: esp
Specific to kind statefulset
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
storageclass |
Determines the type of persistent disk created | standard |
standard , pd-standard , pd-ssd |
storagesize |
The size of the persistent disk | string | 1Gi |
storagemountpath |
The path where the persistent disk is mounted | string | /data |
Specific to kind cronjob
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
schedule |
Sets the schedule at which the cronjob spawns a new job | string | |
concurrencypolicy |
Indicates whether concurrent jobs are allowed or forbidden | Allow , Forbid |
Allow |
Specific to kind cronjob
and job
Parameter | Description | Allowed values | Default value |
completions |
The amount of times the job needs to complete | int | 1 |
parallelism |
How many jobs to run in parallel | int | 1 |
backoffLimit |
After how many failures to stop retrying | int | 6 |
restartPolicy |
Controls whether a container should be restarted when it stops | Always , OnFailure |
OnFailure |
How the customers of an application - whether it's an actual user connecting or another service - can communicate with your application is set by the visibility
Value | Description |
private |
A Kubernetes service of type ClusterIP is created and depending on the values for hosts and internalhosts it also sets up ingresses using ingress class nginx-office and/or nginx-internal |
public |
A LoadBalancer Kubernetes service is created which gives direct public access to the application; this is no longer allowed for new deployments, esp should be used in that case to avoid accidental exposure of endpoints like /metrics , /swagger , etc |
public-whitelist |
This uses ingress controller nginx-office but sets a different list of allowed ip addresses than the default by using the whitelist parameter |
esp |
This creates a Google Cloud Endpoint, adds the esp sidecar container to the deployment and exposes it through a LoadBalancer service |
espv2 |
Sames as esp but uses the envoy-based version 2 |
iap |
Sets up the application behind Identity Aware Proxy; requires parameters iapOauthClientID and iapOauthClientSecret to be set |
apigee |
Routes requests through the nginx-open ingress controller; requires parameters request.authsecret and request.verifydepth to be set |
Note: all of the above set up an internal ingress if parameter internalhosts
is set; for esp this cannot be used to connect to the application since internally since it's limited to only a single hostname