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Plasma MVP

This repositary is originally forked from ethereum-plasma/plasma


  1. Truffle: An Ethereum development framework which helps us compiling, deploying, and interacting with smart contract.
  2. Testrpc: A test Ethereum RPC client for fast development. Here, we use GUI version of ganache. If you prefer a CLI version, you could replace it with ganache-cli. Note that you could also launch an Ethereum private chain (geth) to replace testrpc.


  1. Install dependency
npm install
  1. Run ganache
Open up ganache and make sure it is running on port 8545.
  1. Compile contracts
truffle compile
  1. Deploy contracts
truffle migrate

If you need to deploy contracts on this testrpc again, don't forget to add the --reset argument.

  1. Set the contract configuration (config.js).
    1. After deploying contracts, fill in the PlasmaChainManager contract address.
    2. Choose one of the initial addresses as the operator address, for example, 0x864546B848Fdc730D8aeaf39Bb8361cd7Ba69eF8. Note, that this address will be used for submitting blockheader to contract and signing blocks.
  2. Run the plasma chain.
npm start


Import all API collection in Postman by clicking below button.

Run in Postman

Or you can manually import this file into postman: PlasmaAPI_collection.json

##Introduction to API

Get blockchain

Get the whole blockchain.




Send Request to http://localhost:3001/blocks You will see response like this:

        "blockNumber": 0,
        "previousHash": "46182d20ccd7006058f3e801a1ff3de78b740b557bba686ced70f8e3d8a009a6",
        "merkleRoot": "",
        "signature": "",
        "transactions": []


Deposit ethereum into plasma smart contract.

Name Type Required Description
address Address Yes Deposit from whom
amount Integer Yes How much funds to deposit

You can set this parameter in postman. Let's deposit 1 ethereum from this address,

	"address": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a",
	"amount": 1 

Now send request to http://localhost:30001/deposit

Mine blocks

When plasma operator mines the block, you can use your deposited funds to transfer.




Send Request to http://localhost:3001/mineBlock You will see response like this:

    "blockNumber": 1,
    "previousHash": "69f42c447cce77346419d167becb3ff86228b7d45c86060ddab61537966b9d30",
    "merkleRoot": "f06679a87df852aa5f0a8be5939e183e368f0b2b89f9d2892ee696da6bf6a1fb",
    "signature": "c3bc169026c871b93de1ddb616487693dad1b587e41938b810d4a285bef2327150e73be4f15cf18c124395bc7ac6e1e9667f92bf33ec3c0e57ef4a28102098f21c",
    "transactions": [


Once plasma operator mines the block, you can check your deposit. Your funds will be stored as UTXO.




Send Request to http://localhost:3001/utxo You will see response like this:

        "blkNum": 1,
        "txIndex": 0,
        "oIndex": 0,
        "owner": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a",
        "denom": 100000000000000000

Create a transaction

Create a transaction to other participants. User could specify at most two UTXOs to spend. Also note that the units used in field amount is ether.

Name Type Required Description
from Address Yes Transfer funds from whom
to Address Yes Transfer funds to whom
amount Decimal Yes How much ether (in ether)

Set below parameter in postman to transfer 0.1 etherum to other account:

	"from": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a",
	"to": "0x6D80E168305fcA47569df7fCac42d5B3C8C2C2E7",
	"amount": 0.1

Then send request to http://localhost:3001/transact.

Transaction Pool

From pool, you can check pending transaction which is not submitted to plasma contract.




Send Request to http://localhost:3001/pool You will see response like this if there is any pending transactions:

        "blkNum1": 1,
        "txIndex1": 0,
        "oIndex1": 0,
        "sig1": "0xbff065edf6fb8f229323997119a5774b179b0f49353ed234d294df72d18482b952df3e4f1e363fa442a90c8519d3948017d833331c467f21858ae5220920d03300",
        "blkNum2": 0,
        "txIndex2": 0,
        "oIndex2": 0,
        "sig2": 0,
        "newOwner1": "0xCfEFF569424928eD111c850174912617B1519C67",
        "denom1": 100000000000000000,
        "newOwner2": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a",
        "denom2": 900000000000000000,
        "fee": 0,
        "type": 0

Once plasma operator mines the block, transactions will be removed from pool and utxo will be updated of both account. You can check it out by sending request to http://localhost:3001/utxo after block is mined.

Create withdrawal

Create a new withdrawal.

Name Type Required Description
blkNum Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to withdraw
txIndex Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to withdraw
oIndex Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to withdraw
from Address Yes The owner of the UTXO

Submit your utxo with merkle proof to withdraw funds.

	"blkNum": 2,
	"txIndex": 0,
	"oIndex": 1,
	"from": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a"

Then submit request to http://localhost:3001/withdraw/create. You will receive withdrawalId in responce. Mine is 2000001

Challenge withdrawal

Create a withdrawal challenge.

Name Type Required Description
withdrawalId Integer Yes The withdrawal ID user wants to challenge
blkNum Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to challenge
txIndex Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to challenge
oIndex Integer Yes The position of the UTXO user wants to challenge
from Address Yes The owner of the UTXO

You need to send utxo with mercle proof along with withdrawalId to challenge withdraw.

	"withdrawalId": 2000001,
	"blkNum": 2,
	"txIndex": 0,
	"oIndex": 1,
	"from": "0x6C7f749d0E21aA6478aF8e7Adc362a8bF76Be826"

Then submit request to http://localhost:3001/withdraw/challenge

Finalize withdrawal

Finalize withdrawals manually.

Name Type Required Description
from Address Yes Who initiates the withdrawal finalization
	"from": "0xE6853BC43Dc06B996b0fFD4357Fccdb2fF6dbb6a"

Then submit request to http://localhost:3001/withdraw/finalize. Then you will receive your funds to your wallet.