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is a powerful yet easy-to-use carousel component that you can even configure with spells.
Supports method chaining
Supports setting page dimensions in a manner similar to
Supports multiple loop modes
Supports setting page alignment when scrolling stops
Supports setting scroll direction
Supports setting scroll animation effects for automatic scrolling
Supports setting page transition effects
Supports setting pagination threshold
Supports setting the deceleration rate of pages during sliding
Supports configuration through spells
And more...
In Xcode, select File
> Add Package Dependencies...
, paste https://github.com/YuLeiFuYun/CardCarousel.git
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '12.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'CardCarousel', '~> 2.0'
- iOS 12+
- Swift 5.9+
- Xcode 15+
- Simple use
import CardCarousel
let cardCarousel = CardCarousel(frame: ...).add(to: view)
// For local images, you can directly assign an array of UIImage objects.
cardCarousel.items = [UIImage]
// Before using remote images in CardCarousel, set up the ImageLoadingManager with appropriate loading, prefetching, and cancellation behaviors. This is typically done using a third-party library like SDWebImage or Kingfisher.
// Here’s an example of how you might configure the ImageLoadingManager:
import Kingfisher
ImageLoadingManager.shared.configure { url, imageView, placeholder, completion in
imageView.kf.setImage(with: url, placeholder: placeholder) { _ in
} prefetch: { urls in
ImagePrefetcher(urls: urls).start()
} cancel: { urls in
ImagePrefetcher(urls: urls).stop()
// After configuring ImageLoadingManager, you can set the items of CardCarousel to be an array of URL strings:
cardCarousel.items = [
- Custom cell
CardCarousel(items: items) { (cell: CustomCell, index: Int, itemIdentifier: Item) in
cell.imageView.kf.setImage(with: url)
cell.indexLabel.backgroundColor = itemIdentifier.color
cell.indexLabel.text = itemIdentifier.index
.cardLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(0.7), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(0.7))
.cardTransformMode(.liner(minimumAlpha: 0.3))
.add(to: view, layoutConstraints: { cardCarouselView, superView in
cardCarouselView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superView.leadingAnchor),
cardCarouselView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superView.trailingAnchor),
cardCarouselView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: superView.topAnchor, constant: 100),
cardCarouselView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 200)
- SwiftUI View
CardCarousel(items: items) { index, itemIdentifier in
HStack {
.font(.system(size: 18))
.add(to: view)
- Custom page control
public protocol CardCarouselPageControlType: UIView {
var numberOfPages: Int { get set }
var currentPage: Int { get }
public protocol CardCarouselNormalPageControlType: CardCarouselPageControlType {
var currentPage: Int { get set }
public protocol CardCarouselContinousPageControlType: CardCarouselPageControlType {
var progress: Double { get set }
extension UIPageControl: CardCarouselNormalPageControlType { }
extension CustomPageControl: CardCarouselContinousPageControlType {
CardCarousel(itemsPublisher: $items) { index, itemIdentifier in
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.cardLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(0.9), heightDimension: .absolute(200))
.scrollStopAlignment(.head(offset: 10))
.pageControl(makePageControl: {
let pageControl = CustomPageControl()
pageControl.currentPageTintColor = .white
pageControl.tintColor = .green
pageControl.radius = 4
pageControl.padding = 15
return pageControl
}, position: .centerXBottom(offset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: -10)))
.add(to: view)
struct Content: View {
@State var items = [
"飞光飞光 劝尔一杯酒",
"吾不识青天高 黄地厚",
"惟见月寒日暖 来煎人寿",
"食熊则肥 食蛙则瘦",
var body: some View {
CardCarouselView($items, content: { index, itemIdentifier in
if index.isMultiple(of: 2) {
ZStack {
} else {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
.scrollMode(.automatic(timeInterval: 3))
.cardTransformMode(.coverflow(minimumAlpha: 0.3))
.cardLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(0.7), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(0.7))
// The larger the value, the further the slide after the user releases the drag, default is 0.9924.
.onCardSelected({ index in
.onCardChanged({ index in
.frame(height: 200)
For spells in the styles of 高级动物
and 催妆曲
, please separate function names, parameter names, and arguments with full-width commas. Separate multiple spells (i.e., multiple function calls) with spaces.
- 动物协鸣
CardCarousel(咒语: "汪咕呦汪叽嗡呜汪叽 喵呜 呜啾 嘎啾", 施法材料: items, 作用域: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 393, height: 200))
// The effect is equivalent to
CardCarousel(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 393, height: 200), items: items)
.cardLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(0.7), heightDimension: .fractionalHeight(0.7))
.add(to: view)
- 高级动物
// Same effect as above
CardCarousel(咒语: "矛盾,自私,好色,爱喜,无聊,善良,爱喜 贪婪,真诚 善变,暗淡 无奈,埋怨", 施法材料: items, 作用域: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 393, height: 200))
- 催妆曲
// Same effect as above
CardCarousel(咒语: "醒呀,画眉在杏枝上歌,画眉人不起是因何,黛棕,远峰尖滴着新黛,正好蘸来描画双蛾,黛棕 晨鸡声呖呖在相催,日神也捧着金镜 画眉在杏枝上歌,她对着如镜的池塘 远峰尖滴着新黛,春莺儿衔了额黄归", 施法材料: items, 作用域: CGRect(x: 0, y: 100, width: 393, height: 200))
- 大威天龙
let 白素贞 = view
CardCarousel(咒语: "大威天龙", 施法材料: items)
// he effect is equivalent to
CardCarousel(items: items)
.pageControl(makePageControl: { UIPageControl() }, position: .centerXBottom)
.add(to: view)
public protocol CardCarouselInterface {
/// Card layout size, filling the entirety of the super view by default.
/// 动物协鸣:汪;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// widthDimension:咕;heightDimension:嗡
/// fractionalWidth:呦;fractionalHeight:呜;absolute:嗷;inset:嘤
/// 高级动物:矛盾;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// widthDimension:自私;heightDimension:无聊
/// fractionalWidth:好色;fractionalHeight:善良;absolute:博爱;inset:诡辩
/// 催妆曲:醒呀;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
/// widthDimension:画眉在杏枝上歌;heightDimension:远峰尖滴着新黛
/// fractionalWidth:画眉人不起是因何;fractionalHeight:正好蘸来描画双蛾;absolute:春莺儿衔了额黄归;inset:起呀
func cardLayoutSize(widthDimension: CardLayoutDimension, heightDimension: CardLayoutDimension) -> Self
/// Minimum card spacing, default 0.
/// 动物协鸣:啾;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// 高级动物:虚伪;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// 催妆曲:从睡乡醒回;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
func minimumLineSpacing(_ spacing: CGFloat) -> Self
/// Card transform mode, default .none.
/// 动物协鸣:喵;liner:呜;coverflow:嗷
/// 高级动物:贪婪;liner:真诚;coverflow:金钱
/// 催妆曲:晨鸡声呖呖在相催;liner:日神也捧着金镜;coverflow:等候你起来梳早妆
func cardTransformMode(_ mode: CardTransformMode) -> Self
/// By default, the current card always remains at the forefront. invoking this method may result in it being obscured by other cards.
/// 动物协鸣:咩
/// 动物协鸣:咩
/// 高级动物:欺骗
/// 催妆曲:看呀
func disableCurrentCardAlwaysOnTop() -> Self
/// The margin on both sides of the sliding direction takes effect only when loopMode is set to non-circular. The default value is 0.
/// 动物协鸣:哞;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// 高级动物:幻想;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// 催妆曲:霞织的五彩衣裳;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
func sideMargin(_ margin: CGFloat) -> Self
/// Card alignment when scroll stops, default center alignment.
/// 动物协鸣:呱;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// center:咕;head:嗡
/// 高级动物:疑惑;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// center:地狱;head:天堂
/// 催妆曲:趁草际珠垂;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
/// center:画眉在杏枝上歌;head:画眉人不起是因何
func scrollStopAlignment(_ alignment: CardScrollStopAlignment) -> Self
/// Alignment for single card, default center alignment.
/// 动物协鸣:呦;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// center:咕;head:嗡
/// 高级动物:简单;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// center:地狱;head:天堂
/// 催妆曲:春莺儿衔了额黄归;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
/// center:画眉在杏枝上歌;head:画眉人不起是因何
func singleCardAlignment(_ alignment: CardScrollStopAlignment) -> Self
/// scroll eirection, default .leftToRight.
/// 动物协鸣:呜
/// leftToRight:汪;rightToLeft:啾;topToBottom:喵;bottomToTop:咩
/// 高级动物:善变
/// leftToRight:辉煌;rightToLeft:暗淡;topToBottom:得意;bottomToTop:伤感
/// 催妆曲:画眉在杏枝上歌
/// leftToRight:杨柳的丝发飘扬;rightToLeft:她对着如镜的池塘;topToBottom:百花是薰沐已毕;bottomToTop:她们身上喷出芬芳
func scrollDirection(_ direction: CardScrollDirection) -> Self
/// Scrolling animation effect for automatic scrolling, default .system.
func autoScrollAnimation(_ animationOptions: CardScrollAnimationOptions) -> Self
/// Automatic scrolling or manual scrolling, default .automatic(timeInterval: 3).
/// 动物协鸣:嗡;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// automatic:咕;manual:嗡
/// 高级动物:好强;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// automatic:怀恨;manual:报复
/// 催妆曲:画眉人不起是因何;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
/// automatic:远峰尖滴着新黛;manual:正好蘸来描画双蛾
/// 注意:用咒语调用时时间间隔只能设为整数!
func scrollMode(_ mode: CardScrollMode) -> Self
/// loop mode, default .circular.
/// 动物协鸣:嘎
/// circular:汪;rollback:啾;single:喵
/// 高级动物:无奈
/// circular:争夺;rollback:埋怨;single:冒险
/// 催妆曲:远峰尖滴着新黛
/// circular:趁草际珠垂;rollback:春莺儿衔了额黄归;single:赶快拿妆梳理好
func loopMode(_ mode: CardLoopMode) -> Self
/// Card paging threshold, half the default card width.
/// 动物协鸣:叽;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// fractional:咕;absolute:嗡
/// 高级动物:孤独;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// fractional:伟大;absolute:渺小
/// 催妆曲:正好蘸来描画双蛾;0-9:["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
/// fractional:画眉在杏枝上歌;absolute:画眉人不起是因何
func pagingThreshold(_ pagingThreshold: CardPagingThreshold) -> Self
/// A floating-point value determines the deceleration rate after the user lifts their finger; the larger the value, the farther the slide after lifting the hand. This setting is ineffective when loopMode is set to rollback. The default value is 0.9924.
/// 动物协鸣:吱;0-9:["汪", "啾", "喵", "咩", "哞", "呱", "嘎", "叽", "吱", "嘶"]
/// 高级动物:脆弱;0-9:["爱", "贪", "嗔", "痴", "恨", "苦", "忧", "喜", "怨", "怒"]
/// 催妆曲:杨柳的丝发飘扬;["黛", "墨", "碧", "朱", "紫", "黄", "蓝", "棕", "灰", "白"]
func decelerationRate(_ value: CGFloat) -> Self
/// Disable user swipe.
/// 动物协鸣:嘶
/// 高级动物:忍让
/// 催妆曲:她对着如镜的池塘
func disableUserSwipe() -> Self
/// Setting backgroundView.
func backgroundView(_ view: UIView) -> Self
/// Card rounded corner Settings.
/// 动物协鸣:嗷,不支持 maskedCorners 设置
/// 高级动物:复杂,不支持 maskedCorners 设置
/// 催妆曲:她们身上喷出芬芳,不支持 maskedCorners 设置
func cardCornerRadius(_ value: CGFloat, maskedCorners: CACornerMask) -> Self
/// Disable bounce effect.
func disableBounce() -> Self
/// Setting the card border width and color.
func border(width: CGFloat, color: CGColor?) -> Self
/// Setting the placeholder image when using the default card.
func placeholder(_ image: UIImage) -> Self
/// Settings Pertaining to Shadow Configuration.
func shadow(offset: CGSize, color: CGColor?, radius: CGFloat, opacity: Float, path: CGPath?) -> Self
/// Setting page control.
func pageControl(makePageControl: @escaping () -> CardCarouselPageControlType, position: PageControlPosition) -> Self
/// Called when the card is clicked.
func onCardSelected(_ handler: @escaping (_ index: Int) -> Void) -> Self
/// Called when the card scrolls.
func onScroll(_ handler: @escaping (_ offset: CGPoint, _ progress: CGFloat) -> Void) -> Self
/// Called when the card is switched.
func onCardChanged(_ handler: @escaping (_ index: Int) -> Void) -> Self
/// Called when the card will begin dragging.
func onWillBeginDragging(_ handler: @escaping (_ index: Int) -> Void) -> Self
/// Called when the card will end dragging.
func onWillEndDragging(_ handler: @escaping (_ index: Int) -> Void) -> Self
/// Prefetch items.
func onPrefetchItems(_ handler: @escaping (_ indexs: [IndexPath]) -> Void) -> Self
/// Cancel items.
func onCancelPrefetchItems(_ handler: @escaping (_ indexs: [IndexPath]) -> Void) -> Self
is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.