Yosys 0.9
Yosys 0.8 .. Yosys 0.9
- Many bugfixes and small improvements
- Added support for SystemVerilog interfaces and modports
- Added "write_edif -attrprop"
- Added "opt_lut" pass
- Added "gate2lut.v" techmap rule
- Added "rename -src"
- Added "equiv_opt" pass
- Added "flowmap" LUT mapping pass
- Added "rename -wire" to rename cells based on the wires they drive
- Added "bugpoint" for creating minimised testcases
- Added "write_edif -gndvccy"
- "write_verilog" to escape Verilog keywords
- Fixed sign handling of real constants
- "write_verilog" to write initial statement for initial flop state
- Added pmgen pattern matcher generator
- Fixed opt_rmdff handling of $DFFSR???_ and $DLATCHSR???_
- Added "setundef -params" to replace undefined cell parameters
- Renamed "yosys -D" to "yosys -U", added "yosys -D" to set Verilog defines
- Fixed handling of defparam when default_nettype is none
- Fixed "wreduce" flipflop handling
- Fixed FIRRTL to Verilog process instance subfield assignment
- Added "write_verilog -siminit"
- Several fixes and improvements for mem2reg memories
- Fixed handling of task output ports in clocked always blocks
- Improved handling of and-with-1 and or-with-0 in "opt_expr"
- Added "read_aiger" frontend
- Added "mutate" pass
- Added "hdlname" attribute
- Added "rename -output"
- Added "read_ilang -lib"
- Improved "proc" full_case detection and handling
- Added "whitebox" and "lib_whitebox" attributes
- Added "read_verilog -nowb", "flatten -wb" and "wbflip"
- Added Python bindings and support for Python plug-ins
- Added "pmux2shiftx"
- Added log_debug framework for reduced default verbosity
- Improved "opt_expr" and "opt_clean" handling of (partially) undriven and/or unused wires
- Added "peepopt" peephole optimisation pass using pmgen
- Added approximate support for SystemVerilog "var" keyword
- Added parsing of "specify" blocks into $specrule and $specify[23]
- Added support for attributes on parameters and localparams
- Added support for parsing attributes on port connections
- Added "wreduce -keepdc"
- Added support for optimising
$dffe and $ DFFE* cells in "opt_rmdff" - Added Verilog wand/wor wire type support
- Added support for elaboration system tasks
- Added "muxcover -mux{4,8,16}="
- Added "muxcover -dmux="
- Added "muxcover -nopartial"
- Added "muxpack" pass
- Added "pmux2shiftx -norange"
- Added support for "~" in filename parsing
- Added "read_verilog -pwires" feature to turn parameters into wires
- Fixed sign extension of unsized constants with 'bx and 'bz MSB
- Fixed genvar to be a signed type
- Added support for attributes on case rules
- Added "upto" and "offset" to JSON frontend and backend
- Several liberty file parser improvements
- Fixed handling of more complex BRAM patterns
- Add "write_aiger -I -O -B"
Formal Verification
- Added $changed support to read_verilog
- Added "read_verilog -noassert -noassume -assert-assumes"
- Added btor ops for $mul, $div, $mod and $concat
- Added yosys-smtbmc support for btor witnesses
- Added "supercover" pass
- Fixed $global_clock handling vs autowire
- Added $dffsr support to "async2sync"
- Added "fmcombine" pass
- Added memory init support in "write_btor"
- Added "cutpoint" pass
- Changed "ne" to "neq" in btor2 output
- Added support for SVA "final" keyword
- Added "fmcombine -initeq -anyeq"
- Added timescale and generated-by header to yosys-smtbmc vcd output
- Improved BTOR2 handling of undriven wires
Verific support
- Enabled Verific flags vhdl_support_variable_slice and veri_elaborate_top_level_modules_having_interface_ports
- Improved support for asymmetric memories
- Added "verific -chparam"
- Fixed "verific -extnets" for more complex situations
- Added "read -verific" and "read -noverific"
- Added "hierarchy -chparam"
New back-ends
- Added initial Anlogic support
- Added initial SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2 support
ECP5 support
- Added "synth_ecp5 -nowidelut"
- Added BRAM inference support to "synth_ecp5"
- Added support for transforming Diamond IO and flipflop primitives
iCE40 support
- Added "ice40_unlut" pass
- Added "synth_ice40 -relut"
- Added "synth_ice40 -noabc"
- Added "synth_ice40 -dffe_min_ce_use"
- Added DSP inference support using pmgen
- Added support for initialising BRAM primitives from a file
- Added iCE40 Ultra RGB LED driver cells
Xilinx support
- Use "write_edif -pvector bra" for Xilinx EDIF files
- Fixes for VPR place and route support with "synth_xilinx"
- Added more cell simulation models
- Added "synth_xilinx -family"
- Added "stat -tech xilinx" to estimate logic cell usage
- Added "synth_xilinx -nocarry"
- Added "synth_xilinx -nowidelut"
- "synth_xilinx" to now infer hard shift registers (-nosrl to disable)
- Added support for mapping RAM32X1D