A decorator which can prevent throw error from your function and you shall been handle it in catchHandle. It has 2 styles, es-next spec and old-functional-style.
npm install catch-error-decorator --save
# or
yarn add catch-error-decorator
export function catchError<T>(catchFunction: CatchCallback, throwErr: boolean = true, defaultValueOnError?: any, bindContext?: any): any;
export function catchError<T>(options: CatchErrorOptions): any;
export interface CatchErrorOptions {
catchFunction: CatchCallback;
throwErr?: boolean; //default true
defaultValueOnError?: any;
bindContext?: any;
export type CatchCallback = (errMessage: string, errStack: string, funcName: string, className: string, context: any, args: any[]) => void;
import { catchError, CatchCallback } from 'catch-error-decorator';
const logFunction: CatchCallback = (errMessage: string, errStack: string, funcName: string, className: string, context: any, args: any[]) => {
logger.log({level: 'error', message: JSON.stringify({errMessage, funcName, className, context})});
// Method decoration
class Foo {
@catchError(logFunction, false, 'defaultValue')
method1(): string { // return 'defaultValue' and log a error;
throw new Error('bar');
@catchError(logFunction, false, 'defaultValue')
method2(): Promise<string> { // return Promise<'defaultValue'> and log a error;
return Promise.reject(new Error('bar'));
@catchError({ catchFunction: logFunction, throwErr: true })
async method(): Promise<any> { // reject Error('baz') and log function call
const value = await (async function() { throw new Error('baz'); })();
return value;
get property() { // throw Error('deprecated method') and log call function
throw new Error('deprecated method');
@catchError(logFunction, false)
static Method() { // return undefined and log static function call. Cause you haven't define defaultValueOnError.
return Promise.reject(new Error('baz'));
static get Property() { // just return 123;
return 123;
// Function decoration
function throwAlarm(arg1, arg2) {
const value = this.Property;
console.log(value); // 123
throw new Error('alarm');
const catchErrorOptions = {
catchFunction: logFunction,
throwErr: false,
defaultValueOnError: 'baz',
bindContext: Foo
const result = catchError(catchErrorOptions)(throwAlarm)('000', '123'); // result === 'baz', logger.log message === '{"errMessage":"alarm","funcName":"throwAlarm","className":"Function","args":["000","123"]}'
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