CCaaKS contains CICD pipelines to support the software life-cycle of chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric. This document provides a comprehensive analysis on different aspects of CCaaKS with a comparison on the existing methodology of chaincode deployment in Hyperledger Fabric. The content is structured as follows:
- Life-cycle of a chaincode
- Impact on chaincode life-cycle
- Pros and cons of CCaaKS
- Concerns related to CCaaKS
The following diagram illustrates how the life-cycle of a chaincode is impacted by both the default and CCaaKS processes.
The following table contains a summary of the key differences between 2 approaches in terms of the chaincode life-cycle, i.e. using the default method provided by Hyperledger Fabric vs using the CCaaKS method as proposed in this repository.
Phase | Common key points | Default process | CCaaKS |
Package chaincode |
Install chaincode |
Approve chaincode definition |
Commit chaincode definition |
Update or upgrade chaincode |
The following table provides pros and cons of CCaaKS compared to the default methodology in Fabric to deploy chaincodes (using in-built builders by the peer to start a chaincode).
Point | Explanation | |
Advantages | 1. Compilation errors at build-time, not runtime | As we now compile, build and deploy the image to the container registry in advance, compilation errors are not validated during the runtime installation on a peer |
2. No tight coupling with Docker | Running chaincode as a Docker container is not mandatory anymore. In addition to the flexibility, this eliminates security vulnerabilities that come with DinD or binding Docker sockets. | |
3. Faster deployments | This process does not require chaincode definitions to be approved and committed with each chaincode deployment. Further, it does not require installing chaincode on each peer, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. | |
4. Single deployment | Chaincode needs to be deployed only once instead of installing on every peer multiple times. | |
5. Single source of truth | Multiple deployments might lead to inconsistent chaincode package installations on peers which is now eliminated as they all can interact with the same chaincode service | |
6. Administration and development roles are separated | Admins can only focus on network infrastructure, while developments can take place separately without needing an administrator. | |
7. Chaincode process life-cycle is decoupled from Chaincode peer life-cycle | This enables CICD pipelines to be integrated into chaincode development. | |
8. Higher reliability and availability | Chaincode service can benefit from Kubernetes features such as fail-over, autoscaling and load balancing. | |
9. Convenience in managing chaincodes | Chaincode service management can be achieved within the Kubernetes context. | |
Disadvantages | 1. Secure communication between peer and CC is required | Since chaincode is running externally (which may even involve traversing through external networks), peer to chaincode communication should be secure and safe. |
2. Integrity of chaincode can not be verified by peer | Since peer package contains only metadata, peer has no further resource to verify the implementation of a chaincode | |
3. Chaincode process and chaincode peer life-cycles are intertwined | Despite the separation, chaincode life-cycle is not entirely removed from chaincode peer life-cycle since it still requires to be packaged and installed on the peer whenever the metadata changes. | |
4. Prerequisites | External buildpack needs to be implemented, configured with core.yaml and copied into the file system of each peer. | |
5. Necessity of ACLs on chaincode deployments | Since peer admins are no longer required, chaincode deployments should be governed and restricted. |
*1-7 advantages are inherited from CCaaS
This problem intends to address the inability of a peer to verify the implementation of a chaincode.
From the service point of view, there is no constraint to restrict the bootstrap of multiple chaincode instances in CCaaKS. This is perfectly aligned with the core concepts of Fabric which enables multiple chaincode packages to be executed whenever appropriate.
By means of the connection.json package. As long as this package is reliable, peer will connect to the correct endpoint for chaincode interaction despite the fact that there can be many chaincode instances running in the cluster.
In the current CCaaKS (as well as in CCaaS) model, peer is agnostic of the chaincode implementation and hence unable to verify the integrity of the chaincode.
This can lead the peer to interact with an invalid/malevolent chaincode instance. For example, the chaincode service can be replaced with a different implementation without any impact on the peer, if access control on chaincode deployments are not properly designed.
- Include a checksum of source code to metadata
- needs modifications to the Fabric core implementation
- chaincode process and peer life-cycles become more coupled - Add validation plugins during the endorsement phase of a transaction
+ does not require Fabric core to be changed
- does not solve peer connecting to incorrect chaincodes
- can be adversarial in cases where endorsement policies are not strong enough - Sign metadata by chaincode before installation on the peer and sign every subsequent response from the
chaincode instance
- needs modifications to the Fabric core implementation
- buildpack contains cryptography logics - Include the launch process of the chaincode in buildpack (with build/run binaries)
+ solves the issue of connecting to multiple chaincode instances
- CD becomes separated from CI
- introduces peer administration into chaincode lifecycle - Add commonly agreed testing package/framework for the chaincode package, which can be invoked either during
build-time (by CICD pipelines) or runtime (via
- complexity in designing test framework to capture all adversarial outcomes