You have to check in manually first to get your cookie, follow these steps (click to open screenshot):
Open HoYoLAB and login if you haven't (obviously)
Copy that. That's your cookie, keep it save and do NOT share it with anyone!
Open your fork repository
Insert name with
and secret with your cookie, then click Add secret -
For the first day, you have to trigger this manually. Simply go HERE and click on Run workflow
You're set! Hop on your game the next day and see if you got the rewards
You may use Discord webhook to send notifications to your channel!
You may trigger the check in manually and see if the messages got sent
There should be no issues, automated check-in exists for years and there hasn't been any reports about hoyo doing anything against it
This is a common issue even if you seem to get the cookies right. Here's another method to get your cookies:
Just copy everything and paste to the COOKIE secret
To the Issues page