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Decorator Factory Method Registration

A method may be marked as a Decorator Factory Method by applying the [DecoratorFactory] attribute:

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class DecoratorFactoryAttribute : Attribute
    public DecoratorFactoryAttribute(DecoratorOptions decoratorOptions = DecoratorOptions.Default);

    public DecoratorOptions DecoratorOptions { get; }

The decoratedType is defined as the return type of the method, unless the return type is Task<T>/ValueTask<T> in which case it is T, and the decorator factory method can only be used asynchronously.

The method must have exactly one parameter which is of the decoratedType. It can have other parameters of other types as well.

Whenever the decoratedType is resolved, an underlying instance of decoratedType will be resolved as normal. This instance will be used as a parameter to the method, and the result will be used as the resolved instance of decoratedType for the next decorator, or if it is the outermost decorator, for whatever originally required decoratedType.

decoratorOptions is used to control whether the decorator is disposed or not.

Generic Decorator Factory Methods

A Decorator Factory Method can be generic, and can have type parameter constraints. The same rules apply as for Factory Methods.

Usage in Modules

The same rules apply as for Factory Methods.


using StrongInject;
using System;
using System.Linq;

public interface I { int Priority { get; } }
public class A : I { public int Priority => 1; }
public class B : I { public int Priority => 2; }

[Register(typeof(A), typeof(I))]
[Register(typeof(B), typeof(I))]
public partial class Container : IContainer<I[]>
    I[] OrderIArray(I[] iArray) => iArray.OrderByDescending(x => x.Priority).ToArray();

var container = new Container();
container.Run(x => {
    Console.WriteLine(x[0].GetType().ToString()); // prints "B"
    Console.WriteLine(x[1].GetType().ToString()); // prints "A"
}); // Resolves a new instance of I[], by resolving an instance of `A` and `B` and putting them in the array. Then calls OrderIArray with this instance, and uses the returned instance as the final resolution of `I[]`.