This project is a cloud-based API server to support a provided conference organization application that exists on the web as well as a native Android application. The API supports the following functionalities found within the app:
- create new conferences and sessions within the conference
- user authentication and user profiles store/retrieval
- register for conferences and add interested session into user wishlists
- various manners to query the data.
This project is hosted on a cloud-based hosting platform - Google App Engine. It allows to develop applications quickly, horizontally scale to support hundreds of thousands of users on a variety of platforms including web or mobile.
- Download python(version2.7) on your computer;
- To deploy this API server locally, download and install the Google App Engine SDK for Python.
- Clone this repository/Download the conference organisation app source code.
- Registered in Google Developer Console to obtain application ID and client ID.(My app ID is "conference-central-1013")
- Update the value of client ID in app.yaml to the application ID you just registered.
- Update the values at the top of to the your client IDs.
- Update the value of CLIENT_ID in static/js/app.js to your Web client ID.
- Open the Google app engine launcher, choose File > Add Existing Application, and then browse the files, add this application. After this, run this application after deploying it.
- Now your can visit your local server's address localhost:7080, you can also visit the google api explorer to test all the endpoints.
This project implements the following endpoints:
- getProfile : Get user profile.
- saveProfile : update user profile.
- createConference : Create a new conference
- updateConference : Update conference with provided updated info.
- getConference : Get the request conference by the websafeConferenceKey.
- getConferenceCreated : Return the conferences created by the current user.
- registerForConference : Register the selected conference for user.
- unregisterFromConference : Unregister the selected conference for user.
- getConferencesToAttend : Get a list of conferences that the user has registerd for.
- queryConferences : Help the user to perform queries about the conferences.
- createSession : Create a new session for a specific conference.
- getConferenceSessions : Get a list of sessions in a specific conference.
- getConferenceSessionsByType : Get a list of conference sessions that are of the required type.
- addSessionsToWishlist : Add the selected session to the current user's wishlist.
- getConfSessionsInWishlist : Get all the conference sessions in the user's wishlist.
- "getSessionsBySpeaker" : Get all the sessions that are given by a specific speaker.
- queryConferenceSessions : Query for sessions in a conference by some filters.
- queryNonWorkshopSessions : Query for all non-workshop sessions before 7 pm.
- getConfSessionsByTime : Get a list of conference sessions that are given between the required time intervals.
- getAnnouncements : Return announcement from memcache.
- getFeaturedSpeaker : Return the sessions of the featured speaker.
If you have any issues about the conference organisation app, please let me know. My email address is [email protected].