Improve the virtual-to-real alignment of HoloLens by automating calibration and reducing the parallax with an eye tracker. Tested with Pupil Lab eye camera.
- Real-time target (Aruco marker) tracking: by OpenCV library;
- Coordinate transformation within HoloLens: with Webcam intrinsic and WebcamToWorld sourced from MediaCapture class
- Pixel localisation by 3D modelled gaze from eye tracking data
- Revise display: modify the high-level 3D target location in world by reversing shader transformation.
- TrackerManager: handles tracking and revision
- UDPCommunication: used for data transfer from PC to HoloLens
- ShaderDebug: store and debug the displayed pixel location in window frame
- OpenCVForUnity,
- HoloLensCameraStream
- 1-D screen pose
- Relative eyecam-webcam pose