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#993: X11 settings (default dpi) before calling start/start-child
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git-svn-id: 3bb7dfac-3a0b-4e04-842a-767bc560f471
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totaam committed Oct 4, 2015
1 parent ebb5579 commit 62edd11
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Showing 2 changed files with 54 additions and 34 deletions.
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions src/xpra/server/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -837,12 +837,7 @@ def hello_oked(self, proto, packet, c, auth_caps):
log("dpi=%s, dpi.x=%s, dpi.y=%s, double_click_time=%s, double_click_distance=%s, antialias=%s", self.dpi, self.xdpi, self.ydpi, self.double_click_time, self.double_click_distance, self.antialias)
#if we're not sharing, reset all the settings:
reset = share_count==0
#some non-posix clients never send us 'resource-manager' settings
#so just use a fake one to ensure the overrides get applied:
self.update_server_settings({'resource-manager' : ""}, reset=reset)
#same for xsettings and double click settings:
#fake an empty xsettings update:
self.update_server_settings({"xsettings-blob" : (0, [])}, reset=reset)

self.accept_client(proto, c)
#use blocking sockets from now on:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -983,8 +978,8 @@ def server_event(self, *args):

def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
log("server settings ignored: ", settings)
def update_all_server_settings(self, reset=False):
pass #may be overriden in subclasses (ie: x11 server)

def get_keyboard_config(self, props):
Expand Down
77 changes: 51 additions & 26 deletions src/xpra/x11/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ def init(self, opts):
self.sync_xvfb = int(opts.sync_xvfb)
self.global_menus = int(opts.global_menus)
X11ServerBase.init(self, opts)
if self.global_menus:
self.rpc_handlers["menu"] = self._handle_menu_rpc

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1101,14 +1102,14 @@ def set_xsettings(self, v):
self._xsettings_manager = XSettingsManager()

def _get_antialias_hintstyle(self):
ad = typedict(self.antialias)
hintstyle = ad.strget("hintstyle", "").lower()

def _get_antialias_hintstyle(self, antialias):
hintstyle = antialias.strget("hintstyle", "").lower()
if hintstyle in ("hintnone", "hintslight", "hintmedium", "hintfull"):
#X11 clients can give us what we need directly:
return hintstyle
#win32 style contrast value:
contrast = ad.intget("contrast", -1)
contrast = antialias.intget("contrast", -1)
if contrast>1600:
return "hintfull"
elif contrast>1000:
Expand All @@ -1117,7 +1118,31 @@ def _get_antialias_hintstyle(self):
return "hintslight"
return "hintnone"

def init_all_server_settings(self):
settingslog("init_all_server_settings() dpi=%i, default_dpi=%i", self.dpi, self.default_dpi)
#almost like update_all, except we use the default_dpi,
#since this is called before the first client connects
self.do_update_server_settings({"resource-manager" : "",
"xsettings-blob" : (0, [])},
reset = True,
dpi = self.default_dpi,
pulseaudio = self.pulseaudio)

def update_all_server_settings(self, reset=False):
self.update_server_settings({"resource-manager" : "",
"xsettings-blob" : (0, [])},

def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
dpi = self.dpi
double_click_time = self.double_click_time
double_click_distance = self.double_click_distance
antialias = self.antialias
pulseaudio = self.pulseaudio
self.do_update_server_settings(settings, reset, dpi, double_click_time, double_click_distance, antialias, pulseaudio)

def do_update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False, dpi=0, double_click_time=0, double_click_distance=(-1, -1), antialias={}, pulseaudio=True):
if not self.xsettings_enabled:
settingslog("ignoring xsettings update: %s", settings)
Expand All @@ -1127,13 +1152,12 @@ def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
self._settings = self.default_xsettings or {}
old_settings = dict(self._settings)
settingslog("server_settings: old=%s, updating with=%s", nonl(old_settings), nonl(settings))
settingslog("overrides: dpi=%s, double click time=%s, double click distance=%s", self.dpi, self.double_click_time, self.double_click_distance)
settingslog("overrides: antialias=%s", self.antialias)
settingslog("overrides: dpi=%s, double click time=%s, double click distance=%s", dpi, double_click_time, double_click_distance)
settingslog("overrides: antialias=%s", antialias)
root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
for k, v in settings.items():
#cook the "resource-manager" value to add the DPI:
if k=="resource-manager" and self.dpi>0:
#cook the "resource-manager" value to add the DPI and/or antialias values:
if k=="resource-manager" and (dpi>0 or antialias):
value = v.decode("utf-8")
#parse the resources into a dict:
Expand All @@ -1145,15 +1169,15 @@ def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
if len(parts)!=2:
values[parts[0]] = parts[1]
values["Xft.dpi"] = self.dpi
values["gnome.Xft/DPI"] = self.dpi*1024
if self.antialias:
ad = typedict(self.antialias)
values["Xft.dpi"] = dpi
values["gnome.Xft/DPI"] = dpi*1024
if antialias:
ad = typedict(antialias)
"Xft.antialias" : ad.intget("enabled", -1),
"Xft.hinting" : ad.intget("hinting", -1),
"Xft.rgba" : ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower(),
"Xft.hintstyle" : self._get_antialias_hintstyle()})
"Xft.hintstyle" : self._get_antialias_hintstyle(ad)})
settingslog("server_settings: resource-manager values=%s", nonl(values))
#convert the dict back into a resource string:
value = ''
Expand All @@ -1163,9 +1187,9 @@ def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
self._settings["resource-manager"] = value
v = value.encode("utf-8")

#cook xsettings to add double-click settings:
#cook xsettings to add various settings:
#(as those may not be present in xsettings on some platforms.. like win32 and osx)
if k=="xsettings-blob" and (self.double_click_time>0 or self.double_click_distance!=(-1, -1)):
if k=="xsettings-blob" and (self.double_click_time>0 or self.double_click_distance!=(-1, -1) or antialias or dpi>0):
from xpra.x11.xsettings_prop import XSettingsTypeInteger, XSettingsTypeString
def set_xsettings_value(name, value_type, value):
#remove existing one, if any:
Expand All @@ -1175,37 +1199,38 @@ def set_xsettings_value(name, value_type, value):
return serial, new_values
def set_xsettings_int(name, value):
return set_xsettings_value(name, XSettingsTypeInteger, value)
if self.dpi>0:
v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/DPI", self.dpi*1024)
if self.double_click_time>0:
if dpi>0:
v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/DPI", dpi*1024)
if double_click_time>0:
v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickTime", self.double_click_time)
if self.antialias:
ad = typedict(self.antialias)
if antialias:
ad = typedict(antialias)
v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Antialias", ad.intget("enabled", -1))
v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Hinting", ad.intget("hinting", -1))
v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/RGBA", XSettingsTypeString, ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower())
v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/HintStyle", XSettingsTypeString, self._get_antialias_hintstyle())
if self.double_click_distance!=(-1, -1):
v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/HintStyle", XSettingsTypeString, self._get_antialias_hintstyle(ad))
if double_click_distance!=(-1, -1):
#some platforms give us a value for each axis,
#but X11 only has one, so take the average
x,y = self.double_click_distance
x,y = double_click_distance
if x>0 and y>0:
d = (x+y)//2
d = max(1, min(128, d)) #sanitize it a bit
v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickDistance", d)
except Exception as e:
log.warn("error setting double click distance from %s: %s", self.double_click_distance, e)
log.warn("error setting double click distance from %s: %s", double_click_distance, e)

if k not in old_settings or v != old_settings[k]:
root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
def root_set(p):
settingslog("server_settings: setting %s to %s", nonl(p), nonl(v))
prop_set(root, p, "latin1", v.decode("utf-8"))
if k == "xsettings-blob":
elif k == "resource-manager":
elif self.pulseaudio:
elif pulseaudio:
if k == "pulse-cookie":
elif k == "pulse-id":
Expand Down

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