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#3337 add 'jpeg' pseudo video encoder
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totaam committed Nov 15, 2021
1 parent 611ab87 commit 104cfc4
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Showing 4 changed files with 213 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions xpra/client/mixins/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,6 +231,8 @@ def get_encodings_caps(self) -> dict:
full_csc_modes["webp"] = ("BGRX", "BGRA", "RGBX", "RGBA")
full_csc_modes["webp"] = ("BGRX", "BGRA", )
if has_codec("dec_jpeg") or has_codec("dec_pillow"):
full_csc_modes["jpeg"] = ("BGRX", "BGRA", "YUV420P")
log("supported full csc_modes=%s", full_csc_modes)
caps["full_csc_modes"] = full_csc_modes

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion xpra/client/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -418,7 +418,8 @@ def _get_full_csc_modes(self, rgb_modes):
if not self._alpha_enabled:
target_rgb_modes = tuple(x for x in target_rgb_modes if x.find("A")<0)
full_csc_modes = getVideoHelper().get_server_full_csc_modes_for_rgb(*target_rgb_modes)
full_csc_modes["webp"] = [x for x in rgb_modes if x in ("BGRX", "BGRA", "RGBX", "RGBA")]
full_csc_modes["webp"] = tuple(x for x in rgb_modes if x in ("BGRX", "BGRA", "RGBX", "RGBA"))
full_csc_modes["jpeg"] = tuple(x for x in rgb_modes if x in ("BGRX", "BGRA", "RGBX", "RGBA", "YUV420P"))
videolog("_get_full_csc_modes(%s) with target_rgb_modes=%s", rgb_modes, target_rgb_modes)
for e in sorted(full_csc_modes.keys()):
modes = full_csc_modes.get(e)
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223 changes: 206 additions & 17 deletions xpra/codecs/jpeg/encoder.pyx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,16 @@

import time

from xpra.util import envbool
from xpra.util import envbool, typedict
from xpra.log import Logger
log = Logger("encoder", "jpeg")

from libc.stdint cimport uintptr_t
from xpra.buffers.membuf cimport makebuf, MemBuf, buffer_context #pylint: disable=syntax-error

from xpra.codecs.codec_constants import get_subsampling_divs
from import Compressed
from xpra.util import csv
from xpra.os_util import bytestostr

cdef int SAVE_TO_FILE = envbool("XPRA_SAVE_TO_FILE")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +60,13 @@ cdef extern from "turbojpeg.h":
int width, int pitch, int height, int pixelFormat, unsigned char **jpegBuf,
unsigned long *jpegSize, int jpegSubsamp, int jpegQual, int flags) nogil

int tjCompressFromYUVPlanes(tjhandle handle,
const unsigned char **srcPlanes,
int width, const int *strides,
int height, int subsamp,
unsigned char **jpegBuf,
unsigned long *jpegSize, int jpegQual,
int flags) nogil

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,13 +95,125 @@ TJSAMP_STR = {
def get_version():
return 2

def get_type():
return "jpeg"

def get_info():
return {"version" : get_version()}

def get_encodings():
return ("jpeg",)

def init_module():

def cleanup_module():

def get_input_colorspaces(encoding):
assert encoding=="jpeg"
return ("BGRX", "RGBX", "XBGR", "XRGB", "RGB", "BGR", "YUV420P", "YUV422P", "YUV444P")

def get_output_colorspaces(encoding, input_colorspace):
assert encoding in get_encodings()
assert input_colorspace in get_input_colorspaces(encoding)
return (input_colorspace, )

def get_spec(encoding, colorspace):
assert encoding=="jpeg"
assert colorspace in get_input_colorspaces(encoding)
from xpra.codecs.codec_constants import video_spec
return video_spec("jpeg", input_colorspace=colorspace, output_colorspaces=(colorspace, ), has_lossless_mode=False,
codec_class=Encoder, codec_type="jpeg",
setup_cost=0, cpu_cost=100, gpu_cost=0,
min_w=16, min_h=16, max_w=16*1024, max_h=16*1024,

cdef class Encoder:
cdef tjhandle compressor
cdef int width
cdef int height
cdef object scaling
cdef object src_format
cdef int quality
cdef int speed
cdef long frames
cdef object __weakref__

def __init__(self):
self.width = self.height = self.quality = self.speed = self.frames = 0
self.compressor = tjInitCompress()
if self.compressor==NULL:
raise Exception("Error: failed to instantiate a JPEG compressor")

def init_context(self, device_context, width : int, height : int,
src_format, dst_formats, encoding, quality : int, speed : int, scaling, options : typedict):
assert encoding=="jpeg"
assert src_format in get_input_colorspaces(encoding)
assert scaling==(1, 1)
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.src_format = src_format
self.scaling = scaling
self.frames = 0

def is_ready(self):
return self.compressor!=NULL

def is_closed(self):
return self.compressor==NULL

def clean(self):
self.width = self.height = self.quality = self.speed = 0
r = tjDestroy(self.compressor)
self.compressor = NULL
if r:
log.error("Error: failed to destroy the JPEG compressor, code %i:", r)
log.error(" %s", get_error_str())

def get_encoding(self):
return "jpeg"

def get_width(self):
return self.width

def get_height(self):
return self.height

def get_type(self):
return "jpeg"

def get_src_format(self):
return self.src_format

def get_info(self) -> dict:
info = get_info()
"frames" : int(self.frames),
"width" : self.width,
"height" : self.height,
"speed" : self.speed,
"quality" : self.quality,
return info

def compress_image(self, device_context, image, int quality=-1, int speed=-1, options=None):
pfstr = bytestostr(image.get_pixel_format())
if pfstr in ("YUV420P", "YUV422P", "YUV444P"):
cdata = encode_yuv(self.compressor, image, quality, speed)
cdata = encode_rgb(self.compressor, image, quality, speed)
if not cdata:
return None
self.frames += 1
return memoryview(cdata), {}

def get_error_str():
cdef char *err = tjGetErrorStr()
return str(err)
return bytestostr(err)

def encode(image, int quality=50, int speed=50):
#100 would mean lossless, so cap it at 99:
Expand All @@ -105,17 +226,22 @@ def encode(image, int quality=50, int speed=50):
return None
cdef int r
cdata = do_encode(compressor, image, quality, speed)
cdata = encode_rgb(compressor, image, quality, speed)
if not cdata:
return None
return "jpeg", cdata, client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, 24
if SAVE_TO_FILE: # pragma: no cover
filename = "./%s.jpeg" % time.time()
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
f.write(cdata)"saved %i bytes to %s", len(cdata), filename)
return "jpeg", Compressed("jpeg", memoryview(cdata), False), client_options, image.get_width(), image.get_height(), 0, 24
r = tjDestroy(compressor)
if r:
log.error("Error: failed to destroy the JPEG compressor, code %i:", r)
log.error(" %s", get_error_str())

cdef do_encode(tjhandle compressor, image, int quality, int speed):
cdef encode_rgb(tjhandle compressor, image, int quality, int speed):
cdef int width = image.get_width()
cdef int height = image.get_height()
cdef int stride = image.get_rowstride()
Expand All @@ -134,29 +260,92 @@ cdef do_encode(tjhandle compressor, image, int quality, int speed):
cdef unsigned char *out = NULL
cdef unsigned long out_size = 0
cdef int r = -1
cdef const unsigned char * src
log("jpeg: encode with subsampling=%s for pixel format=%s with quality=%s", TJSAMP_STR.get(subsamp, subsamp), pfstr, quality)
cdef const unsigned char *src
log("jpeg.encode_rgb with subsampling=%s for pixel format=%s with quality=%s",
TJSAMP_STR.get(subsamp, subsamp), pfstr, quality)
with buffer_context(pixels) as bc:
assert len(bc)>=stride*height, "%s buffer is too small: %i bytes, %ix%i=%i bytes required" % (pfstr, len(bc), stride, height, stride*height)
assert len(bc)>=stride*height, "%s buffer is too small: %i bytes, %ix%i=%i bytes required" % (
pfstr, len(bc), stride, height, stride*height)
src = <const unsigned char *> (<uintptr_t> int(bc))
if src==NULL:
raise ValueError("missing pixel buffer address from context %s" % bc)
with nogil:
r = tjCompress2(compressor, src,
width, stride, height, tjpf, &out,
&out_size, subsamp, quality, flags)
width, stride, height, tjpf,
&out, &out_size, subsamp, quality, flags)
if r!=0:
log.error("Error: failed to compress jpeg image, code %i:", r)
log.error(" %s", get_error_str())
log.error(" width=%i, stride=%i, height=%i", width, stride, height)
log.error(" quality=%i, flags=%x", quality, flags)
log.error(" pixel format=%s, quality=%i", pfstr, quality)
return None
assert out_size>0 and out!=NULL, "jpeg compression produced no data"
cdef MemBuf cdata = makebuf(out, out_size)
if SAVE_TO_FILE: # pragma: no cover
filename = "./%s.jpeg" % time.time()
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
f.write(cdata)"saved %i bytes to %s", len(cdata), filename)
return Compressed("jpeg", memoryview(cdata), False)
return makebuf(out, out_size)

cdef encode_yuv(tjhandle compressor, image, int quality, int speed):
pfstr = bytestostr(image.get_pixel_format())
assert pfstr in ("YUV420P", "YUV422P"), "invalid yuv pixel format %s" % pfstr
cdef TJSAMP subsamp
if pfstr=="YUV420P":
subsamp = TJSAMP_420
elif pfstr=="YUV422P":
subsamp = TJSAMP_422
elif pfstr=="YUV444P":
subsamp = TJSAMP_444
raise ValueError("invalid yuv pixel format %s" % pfstr)
cdef int width = image.get_width()
cdef int height = image.get_height()
stride = image.get_rowstride()
planes = image.get_pixels()
cdef int flags = 0
cdef unsigned char *out = NULL
cdef unsigned long out_size = 0
cdef int r = -1
cdef int strides[3]
cdef const unsigned char *src[3]
divs = get_subsampling_divs(pfstr)
for i in range(3):
src[i] = NULL
xdiv = divs[i][0]
assert stride[i]>=width//xdiv, "stride %i is too small for width %i of plane %s" % (
stride[i], width//xdiv, "YUV"[i])
strides[i] = stride[i]
contexts = []
for i in range(3):
xdiv, ydiv = divs[i]
bc = buffer_context(planes[i])
assert len(bc)>=strides[i]*height//ydiv, "%s buffer is too small: %i bytes, %ix%i=%i bytes required" % (
pfstr, len(bc), strides[i], height, strides[i]*height//ydiv)
src[i] = <const unsigned char *> (<uintptr_t> int(bc))
if src[i]==NULL:
raise ValueError("missing plane %s from context %s" % ("YUV"[i], bc))
strides[i] = stride[i]
log("jpeg.encode_yuv with subsampling=%s for pixel format=%s with quality=%s",
TJSAMP_STR.get(subsamp, subsamp), pfstr, quality)
with nogil:
r = tjCompressFromYUVPlanes(compressor,
width, <const int*> strides,
height, subsamp,
&out, &out_size, quality, flags)
if r!=0:
log.error("Error: failed to compress jpeg image, code %i:", r)
log.error(" %s", get_error_str())
log.error(" width=%i, strides=%s, height=%i", width, stride, height)
log.error(" quality=%i, subsampling=%s, flags=%x", quality, TJSAMP_STR.get(subsamp, subsamp), flags)
log.error(" pixel format=%s, quality=%i", pfstr, quality)
log.error(" planes: %s", csv(<uintptr_t> src[i] for i in range(3)))
return None
for bc in contexts:
assert out_size>0 and out!=NULL, "jpeg compression produced no data"
return makebuf(out, out_size)

def selftest(full=False):
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions xpra/codecs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
"libyuv" : "csc_libyuv",
"avcodec2" : "dec_avcodec2",
"ffmpeg" : "enc_ffmpeg",
"jpeg" : "jpeg",

def has_codec_module(module_name):
Expand All @@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ def try_import_modules(*codec_names):

#all the codecs we know about:
#try to import the module that contains them (cheap check):
ALL_VIDEO_ENCODER_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("x264", "vpx", "x265", "nvenc", "ffmpeg")
HARDWARE_ENCODER_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("nvenc")
ALL_VIDEO_ENCODER_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("x264", "vpx", "x265", "nvenc", "ffmpeg", "jpeg")
HARDWARE_ENCODER_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("nvenc", )
ALL_CSC_MODULE_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("swscale", "cython", "libyuv")
ALL_VIDEO_DECODER_OPTIONS = try_import_modules("avcodec2", "vpx")
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