This is a spike to demonstrate feasability of scraping data off https site with a bookmarklet. We can scrape name, skills and experience titles from Linked In
create self signed ssl cert in ~/.ssl directory
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha1 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt
add localhosts to hosts file
echo " localhost.ssl" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
bundle install
thin start -p 3000 --ssl --ssl-key-file ~/server.key --ssl-cert-file ~/server.crt
- then navigate to https://localhost:3000
- you may need to manually accept the certificate to load the page
- drag 'Iframe Bookmarklet' to menu bar
- Navigate to a Linked In contact page
- click 'Iframe Bookmarklet'
- click 'Scrape Contact'
scraping has a dependency on loading 'artoo' - check this is working if any errors
- doesn't save any data but ajax api call already demonstrated in gem
- no error handling in callback!
- To scrape a page with https, you need ssl set up on bookmarklet server
- Iframe is easier to display than the shadow dom
- Communication between frames happens via XDM. The setup of this happens in Easymarklet producer.js and consumer.js files. Configuration is a bit complex
- passing data by callbacks easier to configure than return functions
- setup of shared functions is via the bookmarklets.js file. Example code is
var FvbIframeBookmarklet = {
visible : true,
protocol : 'https',
consumer : {
css : ['/assets/fvb_iframe_bookmarklet.css'], // could be an array or a string
init : function(producer_url,producer) {
console.log('initializing consumer fucntions');
methods : {
scrapeSomething: {
method : function(callback){
var data = artoo.scrape('h1','text');
callback({ scrapeResult: data })