This is a Visual Studio 2017 project that compiles under Windows 10. The code is originally from the nvidia deepstream_reference_apps repository:
Built with:
- CUDA Toolkit cuda_10.0.130_411.31_win10
- CUDNN cudnn-10.0-windows10-x64-v7.3.1.20
- TensorRT-
Known Error:
The application exits unexpectedly when it tries to load the TRT plan file. In the Windows event log, the following error is found:
Exception thrown at 0x00007FF9B34795E6 (nvinfer.dll) in TensorRT_Yolo.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000001EA7EDDBD51. occurred
Sometimes the application complains that the plan file TRT version is 0.0.0 when it is expecting 5.0.4, even when the plan file was originally generated by the application itself on the same GPU.