Trading alerts using Ichimoku Clouds indicator
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- Script is intented for alerting only and has no vocation to be used in order to decide what and when to LONG or SHORT actions on markets.
- Alerts have then to be studied on a case by case basis in order to ensure risk / benefice ratio is worth trying.
Automatic EMAIL alerts based on Ichimoku Clouds. For all markets, score (%) is then processed, based on the following conditions:
- Price position with Cloud [Under - Above]
- Price position with Kijun Sen [Under - Above]
- Price position with Chikou [Under - Above]
- Chikou position with Kijun Sen [Under - Above]
- Tenkan Sen position with Kijun Sen [Under - Above]
- Chikou position with SSB [Under - Above]
Score is then confirmed (or not) removing fake signals and contrary signals. Score is ignored if alert was already sent with equal or inferior score.
Note : Yahoo Finance Data is used in order to process Ichimoku Clouds.
Your help is always welcome! Feel free to open issues, ask questions, talk about it and discuss this tool.
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# apt-get install && apt-get update
# git clone
# cd ./trading/
# python3 ./ --help
usage: ./ [-h] [-f MARKETS_FILE] [-m MARKETS] [-i {30m,1h,4h,1d}]
[-c {9,26,52,7,22,44}] [-d] [-o {TXT,EMAIL,HTML}]
[-r REMOVE_VALUES] [-n] [-x] [-s SMTP_SERVER]
[-p SMTP_PORT] [-a SMTP_AUTH] [-t TO]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f MARKETS_FILE, --markets-file MARKETS_FILE
Input file containing markets to follow (one per
-m MARKETS, --markets MARKETS
Input string containing markets to follow (comma
-i {30m,1h,4h,1d}, --interval {30m,1h,4h,1d}
Interval of stock data to process. Default '1h'.
-c {9,26,52,7,22,44}, --config {9,26,52,7,22,44}
Ichimoku settings. Default '9,26,52'.
-d, --debug Activate debug mode. Default 'False'.
Results output mode.
Number of values to be removed. Use for past analasys
only. Default 0.
-n, --check-null Perform second stock request if many null values.
Default 'False'.
-x, --cloud-only Process only scores for Cloud Signals (Up / Above).
Default 'False'.
-s SMTP_SERVER, --smtp-server SMTP_SERVER
SMTP Server from which notification will be sent.
Default ''
-p SMTP_PORT, --smtp-port SMTP_PORT
SMTP Server port from which notification will be sent.
Default '587'.
-a SMTP_AUTH, --smtp-auth SMTP_AUTH
SMTP Server credentials (login:password).
-t TO, --to TO Email recipient(s) for notification ('[email protected],
[email protected]').
python3 -m MSFT -i 15m --txt
python3 -f ./markets.txt --html --debug
python3 -m 'MSFT, CS.PA' -r '[email protected]' -a '[email protected]:mypassword'
# python3 ./ -m RPD,UNH,AMZN,AAPL,TEP.PA -i 1h -o TXT
- RPD : 100%
- UNH : -83%
Example 2: Manual script execution on market file (>50 markets), analysis on 1d interval, TXT output
# python3 -f eu_stocks.txt -i 1d -o TXT
- DHER_DE : 100%
- BN_PA : 83%
- ELIS_PA : -100%
- RWE_DE : -100%
- SPIE_PA : -100%
- UBI_PA : -100%
- ^FCHI : -83%
30 16 * * 1-5 python3 /[DIR]/ -f /[DIR]/eu_stocks.txt -i 1d -t '[RECIPIENT_EMAIL]' -a '[SENDER_EMAIL]:[SENDER_TOKEN]' -o EMAIL
- © Copyright Ludovic COURGNAUD 2021. All Rights Reserved.
- Permission is granted for personal and Academic use only.
- Code or portions of code may not be copied or used without appropriate credit given to author.
You can contact me at [email protected], you may open an issue or contact me through the various social media pages there are: Twitter.