I completed this front end project as part of the Software Development Bootcamp with Northcoders. The project "NC News" uses React to access the NC News backend API which I developed as a back end project. It is now live, and deployed via Netlify at: https://celebrated-biscochitos-30e593.netlify.app/
The development process was driven by a set of user stories. These were illustrated using wireframes based on mobile-first principles. A component tree was then used to define the structure of the site, with consideration to Reacts state, props and context, as well as API calls and queries.
This project was completed using:
- npm
- Vite
- axios
- React with react router
The code for this project is available on this GitHub repo and can be cloned using:
$ git clone https://github.com/WolfieKnee/fe-nc-news
Npm packages can then be installed:
$ npm install
You can then run the site locally using Vite with:
$ npm run dev
If you're using your own api, then this can be configured by changing the axios base url in the utils.js file:
baseURL: "https://yoursite.com/api",
The site can be built with:
$ npm run build
The vite documentation has a list of options for deployment, such as Netlify, which also offers Netlify Command Line Interface (CLI) tools.
Node minimum version: v20.8.0
favicon from by Andrew Caliber from noun project (cc 3.0)