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Create a Debian jessie package for PHP 5.6

Viktor Szépe edited this page Nov 5, 2016 · 3 revisions

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# Convert realpath_turbo PECL package to Debian package.
# VERSION       :2.0.0

apt-get install -y wget ca-certificates php5-dev devscripts xsltproc dh-make-php

# Download master branch
wget -qO- | tar -xz

# Make up a PECL archive
mv -v realpath_turbo-master realpath_turbo-2.0.0
mv -v realpath_turbo-2.0.0/package.xml .
# Debian allows no tabs
sed -i -e 's|\t|    |g' package.xml
tar czf realpath-turbo.tar.gz realpath_turbo-2.0.0 package.xml
rm -vrf realpath_turbo-2.0.0 package.xml

# Convert with dh-make
dh-make-pecl --package-name "realpath-turbo" --php55-conf --maintainer "Viktor Szepe <[email protected]>" \
# Build Debian package
cd php-realpath-turbo-2.0.0/ || exit 1
# Fix package name
sed -i -e 's|^PECL_PKG_NAME=realpath-turbo$|PECL_PKG_NAME=realpath_turbo|' debian/rules
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us

lintian --display-info --display-experimental --pedantic --show-overrides ../*.deb
echo "OK."