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Wetxius edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 11 revisions


How can I see my bags?

Right click on the X button when you have your inventory open to present a menu with various options.

How can I move my the bag window?

Shift-drag the window while out of combat.

How do I disable auto-repair?

Right-click on the durability datatext in the bottom right corner.

How do I disable auto-vendor?

Right click on the currency datatext that displays your gold/silver/copper count when you have the inventory open.

How do I make the XP bar / Reputation bar mouseover?

Middle-click over the bar you'd like to toggle mouseover for.

How to disable coordinates on the map?

Click on the magnifying glass button in the upper right corner and disable the item in the menu that appears.


Main Commands
/cfg                Open interface settings.
/moveui             Moving interface elements.
/bk                 Binding keys.
/rl                 Reload interface.
/rc                 Activates a ready check.
/gm                 Opens GM frame.
/rd                 Disband party or raid.
/convert            Convert to party or raid.
/uihelp             Description of commands.
Settings Commands
/resetui            Resets general settings to default.
/resetuf            Resets the unit frames to their default position.
/resetconfig        Resets ShestakUI_Config settings.
/resetstats         Resets the statistics of gold and time spent.
/settings msbt      Applies settings to MSBT.
/settings dbm       Applies settings to DBM.
/settings bw        Applies settings to BigWigs.
/settings skada     Applies settings to Skada.
/settings all       Applies settings to all addons.
AddOns Commands
/ls                 Help for LiteStats.
/enemycd            Enemy cooldown test.
/raidcd             Raid cooldown test.
/pulsecd            Self cooldown pulse test.
/threat             Threat meter test.
/testuf             Unit frame test.
/xct                Manage the combat text.
/testroll           Test group roll.
/dbmtest            DBM test mode.
Additional Commands
/fm                 Increases size of the minimap.
/tt                 Whisper target.
/ainv               Enabling automatic invitation.
/en ADDON_NAME      Enable addon. Changes will be made after UI reload. Example: /en Filger
/dis ADDON_NAME     Disable addon. Example: /dis Filger
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