Unofficial plugin to integrate Webbased native sdks into your nativescript projects.
Describe your plugin installation steps. Ideally it would be something like:
tns plugin add nativescript-plugin-botjet
Describe any usage specifics for your plugin. Give examples for Android, iOS, Angular if needed. See nativescript-drop-down for example.
import { BotJetSDK, BotJetConfig } from "nativescript-plugin-botjet";
const config : BotJetConfig = {
clientId : "<--your client id-->",
botId : "<!-- your bot id -->",
title : "My Chat Bot",
accentColor : "#323b8c",
senderId : '<!-- logged in user specific keys-->'
- Fixed isLocationRequired property for iOS.
- Fixed Title property for Android and removed native loading view.
- Fixed isLocationProperty in nativescript plugin code.
Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004