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Fix compilation errors after merge.
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This commit fixes the errors introduced by the merge of
function-references/main into this tree.
  • Loading branch information
dhil committed Mar 17, 2023
1 parent eb9932a commit f4a1f12
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Showing 15 changed files with 265 additions and 180 deletions.
25 changes: 8 additions & 17 deletions interpreter/binary/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,15 +144,8 @@ let sized f s =

open Types

let var s = vu32 s
let zero s = expect 0x00 s "zero byte expected"

let var_type s =
let pos = pos s in
match vs33 s with
| i when i >= 0l -> SynVar i
| _ -> error s pos "malformed type index"

let num_type s =
match s7 s with
| -0x01 -> I32T
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,12 +201,12 @@ let func_type s =
FuncT (ts1, ts2)

let cont_type s =
ContType (var_type s)
ContT (Stat (var_type s))

let def_type s =
match s7 s with
| -0x20 -> DefFuncT (func_type s)
| -0x21 -> ContDefType (cont_type s)
| -0x21 -> DefContT (cont_type s)
| _ -> error s (pos s - 1) "malformed definition type"

Expand All @@ -234,8 +227,8 @@ let memory_type s =

let tag_type s =
zero s;
let x = var_type s in
TagType x
let x = Stat (var_type s) in
TagT x

let mutability s =
match byte s with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,7 +322,7 @@ let rec instr s =
let ct = catch_list s in
let ca =
if peek s = Some 0x19 then begin
ignore (u8 s);
ignore (byte s);
Some (instr_block s)
end else
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,13 +365,11 @@ let rec instr s =
| 0x14 -> call_ref (at var s)
| 0x15 -> return_call_ref (at var s)

| 0x16 as b -> illegal s pos b
| (0x16 | 0x17) as b -> illegal s pos b

| 0x18 -> error s pos "misplaced DELEGATE opcode"
| 0x19 -> error s pos "misplaced CATCH_ALL opcode"

| 0x17 | 0x19 as b -> illegal s pos b

| 0x1a -> drop
| 0x1b -> select None
| 0x1c -> select (Some (vec val_type s))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -900,7 +891,7 @@ and instr_block' s es =
instr_block' s (Source.(e' @@ region s pos pos) :: es)
and catch_list s =
if peek s = Some 0x07 then begin
ignore (u8 s);
ignore (byte s);
let tag = at var s in
let instrs = instr_block s in
(tag, instrs) :: catch_list s
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1244,7 +1235,7 @@ let module_ s =
s (len s) "data count section required";
let funcs =
List.map2 (fun t f -> { with ftype = t} @@ func_types func_bodies
in {types; tables; memories; globals; funcs; imports; exports; elems; datas; start}
in {types; tables; memories; tags; globals; funcs; imports; exports; elems; datas; start}

let decode name bs = at module_ (stream name bs)
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions interpreter/binary/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ struct
| FuncT (ts1, ts2) -> vec val_type ts1; vec val_type ts2

let cont_type = function
| ContType x -> var_type x
| ContT x -> var_type x

let def_type = function
| DefFuncT ft -> s7 (-0x20); func_type ft
| ContDefType ct -> vs7 (-0x21); cont_type ct
| DefContT ct -> s7 (-0x21); cont_type ct (* TODO(dhil): I think the GC proposal claims opcode -0x21 for one of the struct/array types. *)

let limits vu {min; max} =
bool (max <> None); vu min; opt vu max
Expand All @@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ struct
let global_type = function
| GlobalT (mut, t) -> val_type t; mutability mut

let tag_type (TagType x) =
vu32 0x00l; var_type x
let tag_type (TagT x) =
u32 0x00l; var_type x

(* Instructions *)

Expand Down
49 changes: 27 additions & 22 deletions interpreter/exec/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,9 +64,8 @@ and admin_instr' =
| Plain of instr'
| Refer of ref_
| Invoke of func_inst
| Label of int * instr list * code
| Frame of int * frame * code
| Local of int32 * value list * code
| Label of int32 * instr list * code
| Frame of int32 * frame * code
| Handle of (tag_inst * idx) list option * code
| Trapping of string
| Throwing of tag_inst * value stack
Expand All @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ type ref_ += ContRef of cont option ref
let () =
let type_of_ref' = !Value.type_of_ref' in
Value.type_of_ref' := function
| ContRef _ -> BotHeapType (* TODO *)
| ContRef _ -> BotHT (* TODO *)
| r -> type_of_ref' r

let () =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,22 +198,22 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
match, vs with
| Plain e', vs ->
(match e', vs with
| Unreachable, vs ->
| Unreachable, vs ->
vs, [Trapping "unreachable executed" @@]

| Nop, vs ->
vs, []

| Block (bt, es'), vs ->
let InstrT (ts1, ts2, _xs) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let n1 = List.length ts1 in
let n2 = List.length ts2 in
let n1 = Lib.List32.length ts1 in
let n2 = Lib.List32.length ts2 in
let args, vs' = take n1 vs, drop n1 vs in
vs', [Label (n2, [], (args, plain es')) @@]

| Loop (bt, es'), vs ->
let InstrT (ts1, ts2, _xs) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let n1 = List.length ts1 in
let n1 = Lib.List32.length ts1 in
let args, vs' = take n1 vs, drop n1 vs in
vs', [Label (n1, [e' @@], (args, plain es')) @@]

Expand All @@ -227,23 +226,23 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
| Throw x, vs ->
let tagt = tag c.frame.inst x in
let TagT x' = Tag.type_of tagt in
let FuncT (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_sem_var x')) in
let FuncT (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_dyn_var x')) in
let vs0, vs' = split (Lib.List32.length ts) vs in
vs', [Throwing (tagt, vs0) @@]

| Rethrow x, vs ->
vs, [Rethrowing (, fun e -> e) @@]

| TryCatch (bt, es', cts, ca), vs ->
let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let InstrT (ts1, ts2, _xs) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let n1 = Lib.List32.length ts1 in
let n2 = Lib.List32.length ts2 in
let args, vs' = take n1 vs, drop n1 vs in
let cts' = (fun (x, es'') -> ((tag c.frame.inst x), es'')) cts in
vs', [Label (n2, [], ([], [Catch (n2, cts', ca, (args, plain es')) @@])) @@]

| TryDelegate (bt, es', x), vs ->
let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let InstrT (ts1, ts2, _xs) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let n1 = Lib.List32.length ts1 in
let n2 = Lib.List32.length ts2 in
let args, vs' = take n1 vs, drop n1 vs in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,7 +314,7 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
vs, [Trapping "null function reference" @@]

| ContNew x, Ref (FuncRef f) :: vs ->
let FuncType (ts, _) = Func.type_of f in
let FuncT (ts, _) = Func.type_of f in
let ctxt code = compose code ([], [Invoke f @@]) in
Ref (ContRef (ref (Some (Lib.List32.length ts, ctxt)))) :: vs, []

Expand All @@ -326,8 +325,8 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
vs, [Trapping "continuation already consumed" @@]

| ContBind x, Ref (ContRef ({contents = Some (n, ctxt)} as cont)) :: vs ->
let ContType z = cont_type c.frame.inst x in
let FuncType (ts', _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_sem_var z)) in
let ContT z = cont_type c.frame.inst x in
let FuncT (ts', _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_dyn_var z)) in
let args, vs' =
try split (Int32.sub n (Lib.List32.length ts')) vs
with Failure _ -> Crash.error "type mismatch at continuation bind"
Expand All @@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
| Suspend x, vs ->
let tagt = tag c.frame.inst x in
let TagT x' = Tag.type_of tagt in
let FuncT (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_sem_var x')) in
let FuncT (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_dyn_var x')) in
let args, vs' = split (Lib.List32.length ts) vs in
vs', [Suspending (tagt, args, fun code -> code) @@]

Expand All @@ -364,14 +363,14 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
| ResumeThrow x, Ref (ContRef ({contents = Some (n, ctxt)} as cont)) :: vs ->
let tagt = tag c.frame.inst x in
let TagT x' = Tag.type_of tagt in
let FuncType (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_sem_var x')) in
let FuncT (ts, _) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_dyn_var x')) in
let args, vs' = split (Lib.List32.length ts) vs in
let vs1', es1' = ctxt (args, [Plain (Throw x) @@]) in
cont := None;
vs1' @ vs', es1'

| Barrier (bt, es'), vs ->
let FuncType (ts1, _) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let InstrT (ts1, _, _xs) = block_type c.frame.inst bt in
let args, vs' = split (Lib.List32.length ts1) vs in
vs', [
Handle (None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,6 +820,12 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
| Frame (n, frame', (vs', [])), vs ->
vs' @ vs, []

| Frame (n, frame', (vs', {it = Trapping msg; at} :: es')), vs ->
vs, [Trapping msg @@ at]

| Frame (n, frame', (vs', {it = Throwing (a, vs0); at} :: es')), vs ->
vs, [Throwing (a, vs0) @@ at]

| Frame (n, frame', (vs', {it = Suspending (tagt, vs1, ctxt); at} :: es')), vs ->
let ctxt' code = [], [Frame (n, frame', compose (ctxt code) (vs', es')) @@] in
vs, [Suspending (tagt, vs1, ctxt') @@ at]
Expand All @@ -830,7 +835,7 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =

| Frame (n, frame', (vs', {it = ReturningInvoke (vs0, f); at} :: es')), vs ->
let FuncT (ts1, _ts2) = Func.type_of f in
take (List.length ts1) vs0 @ vs, [Invoke f @@ at]
take (Lib.List32.length ts1) vs0 @ vs, [Invoke f @@ at]

| Frame (n, frame', code'), vs ->
let c' = step {frame = frame'; code = code'; budget = c.budget - 1} in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,10 +900,10 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =

| Invoke f, vs ->
let FuncT (ts1, ts2) = Func.type_of f in
let n1, n2 = List.length ts1, List.length ts2 in
let n1, n2 = Lib.List32.length ts1, Lib.List32.length ts2 in
let args, vs' = split n1 vs in
(match f with
| Func.AstFunc (_, inst', func) ->
| Func.AstFunc (_, inst', func) ->
let {locals; body; _} = in
let m = Lib.Promise.value inst' in
let ts = (fun loc -> Types.dyn_val_type m.types locals in
Expand All @@ -921,7 +926,7 @@ let rec step (c : config) : config =
| Handle (Some hs, (vs', {it = Suspending (tagt, vs1, ctxt); at} :: es')), vs
when List.mem_assq tagt hs ->
let TagT x' = Tag.type_of tagt in
let FuncT (_, ts) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_sem_var x')) in
let FuncT (_, ts) = as_func_def_type (def_of (as_dyn_var x')) in
let ctxt' code = compose (ctxt code) (vs', es') in
[Ref (ContRef (ref (Some (Lib.List32.length ts, ctxt'))))] @ vs1 @ vs,
[Plain (Br (List.assq tagt hs)) @@]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1025,7 +1030,7 @@ let create_global (inst : module_inst) (glob : global) : global_inst =

let create_tag (inst : module_inst) (tag : tag) : tag_inst =
let {tagtype} = in
Tag.alloc (Types.sem_tag_type inst.types tagtype)
Tag.alloc (Types.dyn_tag_type inst.types tagtype)

let create_export (inst : module_inst) (ex : export) : export_inst =
let {name; edesc} = in
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions interpreter/host/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ let memory = Memory.alloc (MemoryT {min = 1l; max = Some 2l})
let func f ft = Func.alloc_host (Types.alloc (DefFuncT ft)) (f ft)

let tag =
let p = Types.alloc (FuncDefType (FuncType ([NumType I32Type], [NumType I32Type]))) in
Tag.alloc (TagType (SemVar p))
let p = Types.alloc (DefFuncT (FuncT ([NumT I32T], [NumT I32T]))) in
Tag.alloc (TagT (Dyn p))
let except =
let p = Types.alloc (FuncDefType (FuncType ([NumType I32Type], []))) in
Tag.alloc (TagType (SemVar p))
let p = Types.alloc (DefFuncT (FuncT ([NumT I32T], []))) in
Tag.alloc (TagT (Dyn p))

let print_value v =
Printf.printf "%s : %s\n"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion interpreter/runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ let extern_type_of c = function
| ExternTable tab -> ExternTableT (Table.type_of tab)
| ExternMemory mem -> ExternMemoryT (Memory.type_of mem)
| ExternGlobal glob -> ExternGlobalT (Global.type_of glob)
| ExternTag tag -> ExternTagType (Tag.type_of tag)
| ExternTag tag -> ExternTagT (Tag.type_of tag)

let export inst name =
try Some (List.assoc name inst.exports) with Not_found -> None
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions interpreter/script/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ let null_heap_type_of = function
| Types.DefHT (Dyn a) ->
match Types.def_of a with
| Types.DefFuncT _ -> FuncHT
| Types.DefContT _ -> assert false

let value v =
match with
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions interpreter/syntax/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ let val_type = function
| BotT -> empty

let func_type (FuncT (ins, out)) = list val_type ins ++ list val_type out
let cont_type (ContType x) = var_type x
let cont_type (ContT x) = var_type x
let global_type (GlobalT (_mut, t)) = val_type t
let table_type (TableT (_lim, t)) = ref_type t
let memory_type (MemoryT (_lim)) = empty
let tag_type (TagType x) = var_type x
let tag_type (TagT x) = var_type x

let def_type = function
| DefFuncT ft -> func_type ft
Expand Down

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