Instructions for downloading and running XChem-CAR for developers,
If you wish to use XChem-CAR you are advised to use the webapp:
Continue with this guide if you wish to download as setup XChem-CAR
for development purposes
If you're using Windows, to install git-crypt, it's strongly advised that you install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). For seting up WSL2 - you can follow these instructions: and/or
these instructions are designed for Visual Studio Code which can be installed for free from:
Secrets required for running CAR are encrypted, to unencrypt and run you will need the key from the XChem-CAR software maintainer
If you do not have git installed, inside a terminal:
sudo apt install git
In you home directory eg /home/<username>
, clone xchem-car repo using:
git clone
XChem-CAR uses GitHub for version control
to get started with working on CAR clone the "xchem-CAR" Repository from github to your device.
Branch | Description | URL |
Main | Most recent, stable, release | |
Develop | new features will be added here before being released | |
all branches can be found:
First you'll need Docker Desktop (or the relevent Docker Engine on Linux) you can find the appropriate download at: and specifically for Ubuntu, instructions at:
if you're using a Linux machine, once Docker is installed also install docker compose, instructions are available at:
for WSL (Windows), you do not need to install Docker compose
Docker and Docker Compose should now be installed
(If on Windows/Mac, start docker desktop)
Open Visual Studio Code
to check docker is running correctly open the terminal and run:
docker --version
you should get a response similar to:
Docker version 18.09.2, build 6247962
In Visual Studio Code open the extensions panel (left-hand panel or using Ctrl+Shift+X ) and search for "Remote - Containers" and click Install.
Once installed a box with two arrows pointing in opposite directions should appear in the bottom left corner of Visual studio code
If you are running WSL - you need to install the Remote - WSL extension. Skip this step if you're running Ubuntu/Linux.
Ctrl + SHIFT + X and type in 'Remote - WSL' to install the extension. See ( for more information about using dev containers in WSL2
git-crypt ( is used for encrypting secrets required to run CAR you need the appropriate crypt-key file from the software maintainer.
If you are using a Windows machine then it is necessary to download the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2. A very good guide is found here:
You will need to allow WSL integration with Docker Desktop. To do this go to settings on Docker > Resources > WSL Integration. Then enable WSL integration for your desired distribution.
Incorporation of VSCode with WSL for further information:
Note: We have tested this using Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04, compatibility of other Linux distributions have not been investigated.
if you are using Ubuntu or Debian, you can install git-crypt by:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-crypt
once Git-Crypt is installed unlock the secrets using:
cd xchem-car
git-crypt unlock <'path to git-crypt crypt-key'>
code .
Open VS Code and go to File-> Open Folder and open the repository directory
- start Visual Studio remote container with Ctrl + Shift + P and type "Remote-containers: Open folder in container" then click on that option.
ensure you have the repository folder [your file path/xchem-CAR] selected and choose "Ok"/"Open" - Your container should start to build, click on the popup notification at the bottom right of visual studio to view the log/progress
Open a new terminal that you can interact with. if the terminal is visible at the bottom of the screen click on the plus "create new integrated terminal" or use the keybord shortcut "Ctrl+Shift+`" button or use the adjacent "split terminal" (or "Ctrl+Shift+5") button to see the new terminal adjacent to the current terminal
you should now be in the container running Debian Linux
in the new terminal type (Terminal 1):
cd CAR
mkdir logs && cd logs && touch logfile.log
cd ..
python3 makemigrations backend
python3 migrate
npm install --quiet --legacy-peer-deps
the first time you launch CAR, you will need to compile the main.js file. You do not need to recompile the main.js file for subsequent launches, unless there are changes made to the frontend.
to compile the main.js file, in a separate terminal inside your development container:
cd CAR
npm run dev
launch the django server - in Terminal 1:
python3 runserver
If you are only interested in running the application or developing the backend code, you will only need to run the npm run dev
once. For frontend developers, the npm command above tracks any changes made to the frontend code and recompiles the main.js file.
for future launches, you will not need to perform the migrations, install the node packages, compile the main.js and only need to launch the Django server by running:
cd CAR
python3 runserver
to upload files in CAR, you need to start a Celery worker in a separate terminal inside your development container:
- open a new terminal the same way as last time (see Time to Launch)
- in the new terminal type:
cd CAR
celery -A CAR worker -l info
if you make any changes to the Django models, you will need to run the the migrations again in the CAR directory:
- makemigrations and migrate the Django models:
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
at the end of the step "Time to Launch" an address to use the visual interface should have been displayed (""), Ctrl+Click on the link in terminal or copy and paste the link into your web browser to use the CAR interface
WLS2/Windows users have reported problems with instructions in "Time to Launch":
Sometimes, when a new branch is created on Github, try to git pull
, get a keyerror for accessing the environment variables in the development container or trying to run the npm run dev
yielding a Error: EACCES: permission denied
, you need to change the file permissions on the repo folder.
In your WSL2 Linux terminal NB outside your dev container:
- change the file permissions of the repository folder
sudo chown -R <username> <path to xchem-CAR>