Plugin to display references, definitions, and implementations of document symbols with a view like JetBrains Idea.
- Features
- Requirements
- Installation
- Setup
- Format text examples
- Filtering kinds
- Other sources with similar feature
- Known issues and restriction

- Shows references, definitions, and implementations as virtual text;
- Three options for display virtual text: above the line, end of line or near with textwidth;
- Works with LSP servers even client do not support
feature; - Fully customizable: can be customized for different languages or use with default config for all;
- Ignores unnecessary requests to LSP;
Neovim >= 0.9.0
With lazy.nvim
event = 'BufReadPre', -- need run before LspAttach if you use nvim 0.9. On 0.10 use 'LspAttach'
config = function()
Default options values:
local SymbolKind = vim.lsp.protocol.SymbolKind
---@type UserOpts
---@type table<string, any> `nvim_set_hl`-like options for highlight virtual text
hl = { link = 'Comment' },
---@type lsp.SymbolKind[] Symbol kinds what need to be count (see `lsp.SymbolKind`)
kinds = { SymbolKind.Function, SymbolKind.Method },
---Additional filter for kinds. Recommended use in the filetypes override table.
---fiterKind: function(data: { symbol:table, parent:table, bufnr:integer }): boolean
---`symbol` and `parent` is an item from `textDocument/documentSymbol` request
---See: #filter-kinds
---@type table<lsp.SymbolKind, filterKind[]>
kinds_filter = {},
---@type 'above'|'end_of_line'|'textwidth'|'signcolumn' `above` by default
vt_position = 'above',
vt_priority = nil, ---@type integer Virtual text priority (see `nvim_buf_set_extmark`)
---Text to display when request is pending. If `false`, extmark will not be
---created until the request is finished. Recommended to use with `above`
---vt_position to avoid "jumping lines".
---@type string|table|false
request_pending_text = 'loading...',
---The function can return a string to which the highlighting group from `opts.hl` is applied.
---Alternatively, it can return a table of tuples of the form `{ { text, hl_group }, ... }`` - in this case the specified groups will be applied.
---If `vt_position` is 'signcolumn', then only a 1-2 length string or a `{{ icon, hl_group }}` table is expected.
---See `#format-text-examples`
---@type function(symbol: Symbol): string|table Symbol{ definition = integer|nil, implementation = integer|nil, references = integer|nil, stacked_count = integer, stacked_symbols = table<SymbolId, Symbol> }
-- text_format = function(symbol) end,
references = { enabled = true, include_declaration = false },
definition = { enabled = false },
implementation = { enabled = false },
---@type { lsp?: string[], filetypes?: string[], cond?: function[] } Disables `symbol-usage.nvim' for specific LSPs, filetypes, or on custom conditions.
---The function in the `cond` list takes an argument `bufnr` and returns a boolean. If it returns true, `symbol-usage` will not run in that buffer.
disable = { lsp = {}, filetypes = {}, cond = {} },
---@type UserOpts[] See default overridings in `lua/symbol-usage/langs.lua`
-- filetypes = {},
---@type 'start'|'end' At which position of `symbol.selectionRange` the request to the lsp server should start. Default is `end` (try changing it to `start` if the symbol counting is not correct).
symbol_request_pos = 'end', -- Recommended redefine only in `filetypes` override table
---@type LoggerConfig
log = { enabled = false },
see SymbolKind
From LSP spec:
SymbolKind = {
File = 1,
Module = 2,
Namespace = 3,
Package = 4,
Class = 5,
Method = 6,
Property = 7,
Field = 8,
Constructor = 9,
Enum = 10,
Interface = 11,
Function = 12,
Variable = 13,
Constant = 14,
String = 15,
Number = 16,
Boolean = 17,
Array = 18,
Object = 19,
Key = 20,
Null = 21,
EnumMember = 22,
Struct = 23,
Event = 24,
Operator = 25,
TypeParameter = 26,

local function text_format(symbol)
local fragments = {}
-- Indicator that shows if there are any other symbols in the same line
local stacked_functions = symbol.stacked_count > 0
and (' | +%s'):format(symbol.stacked_count)
or ''
if symbol.references then
local usage = symbol.references <= 1 and 'usage' or 'usages'
local num = symbol.references == 0 and 'no' or symbol.references
table.insert(fragments, ('%s %s'):format(num, usage))
if symbol.definition then
table.insert(fragments, symbol.definition .. ' defs')
if symbol.implementation then
table.insert(fragments, symbol.implementation .. ' impls')
return table.concat(fragments, ', ') .. stacked_functions
text_format = text_format,

local function h(name) return vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = name }) end
-- hl-groups can have any name
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageRounding', { fg = h('CursorLine').bg, italic = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageContent', { bg = h('CursorLine').bg, fg = h('Comment').fg, italic = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageRef', { fg = h('Function').fg, bg = h('CursorLine').bg, italic = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageDef', { fg = h('Type').fg, bg = h('CursorLine').bg, italic = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageImpl', { fg = h('@keyword').fg, bg = h('CursorLine').bg, italic = true })
local function text_format(symbol)
local res = {}
local round_start = { '', 'SymbolUsageRounding' }
local round_end = { '', 'SymbolUsageRounding' }
-- Indicator that shows if there are any other symbols in the same line
local stacked_functions_content = symbol.stacked_count > 0
and ("+%s"):format(symbol.stacked_count)
or ''
if symbol.references then
local usage = symbol.references <= 1 and 'usage' or 'usages'
local num = symbol.references == 0 and 'no' or symbol.references
table.insert(res, round_start)
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'SymbolUsageRef' })
table.insert(res, { ('%s %s'):format(num, usage), 'SymbolUsageContent' })
table.insert(res, round_end)
if symbol.definition then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, round_start)
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'SymbolUsageDef' })
table.insert(res, { symbol.definition .. ' defs', 'SymbolUsageContent' })
table.insert(res, round_end)
if symbol.implementation then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, round_start)
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'SymbolUsageImpl' })
table.insert(res, { symbol.implementation .. ' impls', 'SymbolUsageContent' })
table.insert(res, round_end)
if stacked_functions_content ~= '' then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, round_start)
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'SymbolUsageImpl' })
table.insert(res, { stacked_functions_content, 'SymbolUsageContent' })
table.insert(res, round_end)
return res
text_format = text_format,

local function h(name) return vim.api.nvim_get_hl(0, { name = name }) end
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageRef', { bg = h('Type').fg, fg = h('Normal').bg, bold = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageRefRound', { fg = h('Type').fg })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageDef', { bg = h('Function').fg, fg = h('Normal').bg, bold = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageDefRound', { fg = h('Function').fg })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageImpl', { bg = h('@parameter').fg, fg = h('Normal').bg, bold = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'SymbolUsageImplRound', { fg = h('@parameter').fg })
local function text_format(symbol)
local res = {}
-- Indicator that shows if there are any other symbols in the same line
local stacked_functions_content = symbol.stacked_count > 0
and ("+%s"):format(symbol.stacked_count)
or ''
if symbol.references then
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageRefRound' })
table.insert(res, { ' ' .. tostring(symbol.references), 'SymbolUsageRef' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageRefRound' })
if symbol.definition then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageDefRound' })
table.insert(res, { ' ' .. tostring(symbol.definition), 'SymbolUsageDef' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageDefRound' })
if symbol.implementation then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageImplRound' })
table.insert(res, { ' ' .. tostring(symbol.implementation), 'SymbolUsageImpl' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageImplRound' })
if stacked_functions_content ~= '' then
if #res > 0 then
table.insert(res, { ' ', 'NonText' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageImplRound' })
table.insert(res, { ' ' .. tostring(stacked_functions_content), 'SymbolUsageImpl' })
table.insert(res, { '', 'SymbolUsageImplRound' })
return res
text_format = text_format,
Each LSP server processes requests and returns results differently. Therefore, it is impossible to set general settings that are completely suitable for every programming language.
For example, in javascript
arrow functions are not defined as SymbolKind.Function
, but as SymbolKind.Variable
or SymbolKind.Constant
I would like to know how many times an arrow function is used, but keeping track of all variables is not informative. For this purpose, you can define additional filters that will check that the variable contains exactly the function and not some other value.
You can see implementation examples here.
Setup symbol-usage
---Setup `symbol-usage`
---@param opts UserOpts
Toggle virtual text for current buffer:
Toggle virtual text for all buffers:
After re-enabling, the virtual text will appear after
---@return boolean True if active, false otherwise
Refresh current buffer:
- Custom filter for symbol kinds;
- Different highlighting groups for references, definitions, and implementations;
- Different symbol kinds for references, definitions, and implementations;
- First, query the data for the symbols that are currently on the screen;
- Option to show only on current line;
- Neovim built-in codeLens: implemented no in all servers;
- Plugin lsp-lens.nvim: only
view; - Plugin nvim-dr-lsp: shows info in statusline;
- No shows virtual text above first line (#16166);
- When virtual text ia above, uses
instead ofCursorLineNr
for symbol's line even it current line (actual, if you use number withstatuscolumn
) (UPD: fixed at #25277); - Some clients don't recognize anonymous functions and closures like
(e.g., tsserver, rust-analyzer)